Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM)


This project is a joint effort between solid-state chemists, experimental and theoretical physicists to unveil novel quantum states and effects where frustration plays a leading role. The main goal is to reach a broad understanding of the important physical parameters that drive these new ground states and sketch out the generic phase diagrams for a broad variety of degrees of  freedom. These degrees of freedom extend beyond the  simple frustration of magnetic interactions to include lattice couplings, orbital degrees of freedom, dilution effects, electronic doping, etc. Our project represents a timely effort of having a broad general view in a field which can be approached through various systems: highly frustrated antiferromagnetic lattices, orbital liquids, metallic spinels..., where original properties such as spin liquid, spin ice, orbital order and so on...-see below- have been recently discovered. Studying doping in these systems also provides  new tools  to examine  the problem of High Tc cuprates through a combination of the methods that describe a propagating hole in the resonating valence bond states, methods that will certainly provide new concepts in the field of condensed matter. (PDF 237 KB)
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5 Years  (May 2005  to  May 2010)