Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM)



ESF grants are offered to enable scientists, both pre-doctoral and post-doctorals to cooperate in different European countries. HFM is supporting two types of grants:

1. Short Visit of up to 15 days 
2.  Exchange Grants from 15 days to six months

Please see the guidelines for grants (PDF 35 KB)

1. Undertake work applicable to HFM
2. Apply to stay in a European country other than the country of origin
3. Return to the institute of origin upon termination, so that the applicant’s institution may also benefit from the broadened knowledge of the scientist
4. Acknowledge ESF in publications resulting from the grantee’s work in relation with the grant

Priority will be given to applications where the institutions involved are in countries that financially support the programme.

Level of award: Short visit grants are reimbursed on a per diem basis of 85 EUR plus actual travel expenses up to a maximum of 500 EUR after the visit on submission of a completed balance payment form accompanied by the original travel tickets.  No payment will be made without the scientific report.

Exchange grants are reimbursed on the basis of an allowance of 1,600 EUR per month / 400 EUR per week / 57 EUR per day plus actual costs for travel, up to a maximum of 500 EUR.

Applications providing a short description of the proposed project work (about 1000 words for exchange grants and 250 words for short visit grants) and the duration of the stay should be submitted using the on-line forms (please see below).

Please note that exchange grants should be supported by a letter of recomendation from someone familiar with the applicant’s work (if appropriate), a letter of acceptance from the receiving institution and a curriculum vitae of two A4 pages.

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Applications for Short Visits should be submitted using the online application form Application Form

Applications should include the following information:

- A short description of the proposed project work (about 250 words) and the aim of the visit
- A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages
- Full address details of the prospective host(s)
- Proposed starting date
- Estimated travel costs

Further information on payment procedures, reporting, ESF financial rules for the reimbursement of travel costs etc. can be found in the Guidelines for Grants (PDF 35 KB)

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Applications for  Exchange Grants  Application Form

Applications should include the following information:  

- A short description of the proposed project work (about 1000 words) and the aim of the visit
- A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages
- Five most recent publications
- A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the applicant’s work
- A letter of acceptance from the host at the receiving institute
- Full address details of the prospective host(s)
- Proposed starting date
- Estimated travel costs

Guidelines for Grants (PDF 35 KB)

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Final Reports (Short Visit Grants and Exchange Grants)

Year 2011

Damien J.J. Farnell (UK - DE)7 days(PDF)
Pierre Dalmas de Reotier (FR - CH)
6 days
Samuele Sanna (IT - CH)
15 days
Marian Stingaciu (SE - DE)
5 days
Dmitry Kovrizhin (DE - UK)
7 days
Ravi Chandra (IL - FR)
8 days
Year 2010

Fabien Trousselet (FR - PL)4 weeks(PDF)
Fabrice Bert (FR - UK)7 days
Cloé Buisson (FR - UK)
4 days
Menachem Shey (IL - DE)
7 days
Year 2009

Andrej Zorko (SL - FR)3 weeks(PDF)
Year 2008

Dirk Wulferding (DE - SE)5 weeks(PDF)
Adam Harman-Clarke (UK - FR)12 days(PDF)
Giacomo Prando (IT - CH)3 days(PDF)
Amit Keren (IL - CH)4 days(PDF)
Masudul Hauqe (DE - UK)15 days(PDF)
Matej Pregelj (SL - CH)4 days (PDF)
Adam Harman-Clarke (UK - FR)13 days(PDF)
Matej Pregelj (SL- CH)3 days (PDF)
Marion Moliner (FR - DE)15 days(PDF)
Damian J.J. Farnell (UK - DE)10 days(PDF)
Year 2007

Marion Moliner (FR - DE)15 days(PDF 45KB)
Mark de Vries (UK - CH)12 weekspending
Mark de Vries (UK - CH)12 weeks(PDF)
Oren Ofer (IS - CH)9 days(DOC 28KB)
Alzbeta Orendacova (SK  - DE)11 days(PDF 2.51KB)
Karol Marty (FR - DE)14 days (DOC 397KB)
Frank Pollmann (DE - HU)6 days(PDF 60KB)
Valeria Lante (IT - CH)16 weeks(PDF 175KB)
Ludovic Jaubert (FR - UK) 2 weeks (PDF 113KB)
Year 2006

Yann Chapuis (FR - CH)13 days(PDF 48 KB)
Amit Keren (IL - CH) 8 days (DOC 205KB)
Andreas Honecker (DE - FR) 2 days (PDF 30KB)
Hans-Ulrich Everts (DE - FR)  2 days  (PDF 21KB)
Rie Takagi (SE - DE) 14 days(DOC 1.6MB)
Richard Erik Ove Becker (SE - DE)12 days(DOC 1.9MB)
Nicola Ruth Wlison  (UK - FR)6 days (DOC 23KB)
Kai Schmidt  (CH - DE) 9 days (PDF 23KB)
Roman Schanalle (DE - FR)4 days(PDF 50KB)
Nicholas Shannon (UK - HU - DE)14 days  (PDF 38KB)
Peter C. W. Holdsworth (FR - UK)9 weeks (DOC 28KB)
Year 2005

Amit Keren (IS - CH) 6 days (PDF 50KB)
Mark de Vries (UK - CH - FR4 days(PDF 153KB)

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