Common perspectives for cold atoms, semiconductor polaritons and nanoscience (POLATOM)


The principal goal of the suggested Network is twofold. Firstly, to develop further the research fields of exciton/polariton condensates in semiconductor nanostructures, and that of cold atoms, promoting the collaboration between the scientists who work on these two fields. Secondly, to contribute to the development of technological applications, linking these two fields to nanotechnology. These areas have expanded dramatically in recent years, with remarkable achievements. The experimental developments in the field of cold atoms have made it possible to manipulate even single atoms, bringing future device design based on novel forms of matter within reach. The field of polaritons is at the forefront of condensed matter physics and is particularly rich in its interplay of theoretical predictions and their experimental realization.

The present Network combines a number of groups working at the front of the two fields of polaritons and of cold atoms in Europe, with a good balance between theory and experiment, and all the necessary prerequisites that will allow us to establish the goals of the Network. The combined knowledge of the groups which participate, as well as the scientists who will become involved in the Network activities, will definitely promote research in Europe in these highly interdisciplinary fields.

The goals will be met by the organization of annual workshops which will provide the main forum for information exchange. The workshops will include special pedagogical activities to aid development of postdoctoral scientists and research students. Delivery of results will be fostered by provision of bursaries for medium-term laboratory visits by researchers, in order to allow swapping of experimental and theoretical capabilities between project centres. Shorter discussion visits will also be funded to allow assessment and interpretation of results on a face-to-face basis.

Our Network fits very well with the goals and the philosophy of the ESF Networks. It also is well in line with other activities that either take place right now, or have just been completed.

POLATOM website


Bose-Einstein condensates; microcavity polaritons; novel light emitters, entanglement, parametric scattering, cold atoms, nanoscience, quantum liquids, superfluidity and quantum transport, atomtronics


5 years; June 2010 - June 2015