[Workshop] GAGNES (Gaia for AGN and Extragalactic Science)
Dates and location : 08 - 10 July 2015, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris France
Convened by : Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Next Steps Towards Future Space Astrometry Missions
Dates and location : 06 - 08 July 2015, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK
Convened by : Nicholas Walton (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] L Dwarfs in Gaia
Dates : 15 June 2015 for 14 days
Grantee : Richard Smart (IT)
Host(s) : Luisma Sarro (ES)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Cluster Census and Membership Determination
Dates : 01 June 2015 for 2 weeks
Grantee : Tristan Cantat-Gaudin (IT)
Host(s) : André Moitinho (PT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Interferometric Observatios of Benchmark Stars for the Gaia mission and the Gaia-ESO Survey
Dates : 05 May 2015 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Iva Karovicova (DE)
Host(s) : Gerry Gilmore (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Massive Stars and the Gaia-ESO Survey
Dates and location : 05 - 07 May 2015, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
Convened by : Ronny Blomme (BE)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Exploiting kinematics from the Gaia-ESO survey
Dates : 02 March 2015 for 3 weeks
Grantee : Richard Parker (UK)
Host(s) : Michael Meyer (CH)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Study of nuclear Supernovae with Gaia
Dates : 01 March 2015 for 6 weeks
Grantee : Nadejda Blagorodnova (UK)
Host(s) : Seppo Mattila (FI)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Ages of young open clusters using gyro-chronology: preparing for the Gaia data.
Dates : 01 February 2015 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Alessandro Lanzafame (IT)
Host(s) : Arlt Arlt (DE)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] OCCASO: Detailed chemical abundances of intermediate and old open clusters in the Northern Hemisphere
Dates : 19 January 2015 for 2 weeks
Grantee : Laia Casamiquela (ES)
Host(s) : Ricardo Carrera (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] A spectroscopic census of Brown Dwarfs observed by Gaia - completing the 3D picture
Dates : 15 December 2014 for 6 weeks
Grantee : Federico Marocco (UK)
Host(s) : Richard L. Smart (IT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Solar System test of gravitation in the post-Gaia era
Dates : 08 December 2014 for 16 weeks
Grantee : Aurelien Hees (ZA)
Host(s) : Daniel Hestroffer (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Third Gaia-FUN-SSO international workshop
Dates and location : 24 - 26 November 2014, Paris Observatory
Convened by : William THUILLOT (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] GES cluster target selection procedure : mid-term evaluation and impact on clusters' analysis
Dates : 19 October 2014 for 11 days
Grantee : Emilio J. Alfaro (ES)
Host(s) : Angela Bragaglia (IT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Enabling fast transient detection in CU5:DU17:AlertPipe
Dates : 29 September 2014 for 10 weeks
Grantee : Thomas Wevers (NL)
Host(s) : Simon Hodgkin (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] A search for candidate astrometric microlensing events observable by Gaia.
Dates : 14 September 2014 for 14 days
Grantee : Leigh Smith (UK)
Host(s) : Richard Smart (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Data reduction and analysis visit to PhD thesis project collaborators
Dates : 30 August 2014 for 9 days
Grantee : Nazli Derya Ozturkmen (TR)
Host(s) : Sofia Feltzing (SE)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] The role of bar and spiral arms in modeling the Milky Way
Dates : 01 August 2014 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Giacomo Monari (NL)
Host(s) : Jordi Torra (ES)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Gaia Viz Workshop
Dates and location : 09 - 11 July 2014, Vienna, Austria
Convened by : Joao Alves (AT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Helios and Helium : What is wrong with them ? (Special Session 2 @ EWASS 2014)
Dates and location : 02 - 03 July 2014, Geneva
Convened by : Laura Portinari (FI)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Solar System Science with Gaia
Dates and location : 02 - 04 July 2014, Helsinki, Finland
Convened by : Karri Muinonen (FI)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] The Open Clusters Chemical Abundances from Spanish Observatories Survey (OCCASO): Chemical abundance determination fo first year data
Dates : 30 June 2014 for 15 days
Grantee : Ricardo Carrera (ES)
Host(s) : Elena Pancino (IT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] The massive Milky Way thick disc and its role in the last 8-10 Gyr of evolution of the Galaxy
Dates : 14 June 2014 for 4 weeks
Grantee : Owain Snaith (US)
Host(s) : Paola Di Matteo (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Using High Resolution Simulations to Understand the Signatures of Formation in the Bulge of the Milky Way
Dates : 01 June 2014 for 3 weeks
Grantee : Melissa Ness (DE)
Host(s) : Victor Debattista (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] The cosmic history of the Milky Way as traced by radial migration
Dates : 26 May 2014 for 5 days
Grantee : Jean-Baptiste Fouvry (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Young Clusters in the Gaia-ESO Survey
Dates and location : 19 - 21 May 2014, Palermo, Italy
Convened by : Francesco Damiani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Validation of Gaia Asteroid Spectra
Dates : 05 May 2014 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Humberto Campins (US)
Host(s) : Paolo Tanga (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] A visit to Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, U.K.
Dates : 04 May 2014 for 13 days
Grantee : Martín López-Corredoira (ES)
Host(s) : Carlos González-Fernández (UK)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Interferometric Observations of Benchmark Stars for the Gaia mission and the Gaia-ESO survey
Dates : 01 May 2014 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Iva Karovicova (DE)
Host(s) : Gerry Gilmore (UK)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] OCCASO: Detailed chemical abundances of intermediate and old open clusters in the Northern Hemisphere
Dates : 15 April 2014 for 12 weeks
Grantee : Laia Casamiquela Floriach (ES)
Host(s) : Elena Pancino (IT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Formation and early evolution of young clusters with the Gaia-ESO Survey
Dates : 31 March 2014 for 5 weeks
Grantee : Germano Sacco (IT)
Host(s) : Rob Jeffries (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Gaia and the Unseen: The Brown Dwarf Question
Dates and location : 10 - 12 March 2014, Natural History Museum, Torino.
Convened by : Richard Smart (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Analysis of the role played by light scattering properties in the expected asteroid signals which will be recorded by Gaia.
Dates : 02 March 2014 for 7 days
Grantee : Alberto Cellino (IT)
Host(s) : Karri Muinonen (FI)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Automated spectral analysis of FGK stars for the Gaia-ESO survey
Dates : 24 February 2014 for 6 days
Grantee : Patrick de Laverny (FR)
Host(s) : Sousa Sousa (PT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Spectra of red supergiants and the development of classification criteria for the Gaia spectral range
Dates : 10 February 2014 for 6 weeks
Grantee : Ricardo Dorda (ES)
Host(s) : Carlos González-Fernández (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Supernova from Gaia
Dates and location : 29 - 31 January 2014, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Convened by : Smartt Smartt (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Exploring the origin and evolution of Terrestrial planet Trojan asteroids with Gaia
Dates : 13 January 2014 for 3 days
Grantee : Apostolos Christou (UK)
Host(s) : Paolo Tanga (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] 7th GBOT Meeting - Ground-based Optical Spacecraft Tracking
Dates : 27 November 2013 for 4 days
Grantee : Alexandre Humberto Andrei (UK)
Host(s) : Martin Altmann (DE)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Signatures of Formation of Disk Galaxies: Simulations and Observations of the Milky Way
Dates : 03 November 2013 for 6 weeks
Grantee : Melissa Ness (AU)
Host(s) : Lia Athanassoula (FR)
Scientific report :
[School] Galactic Dynamics in the Times of Gaia and other Great Surveys
Dates and location : 03 - 12 November 2013, UNAM, Mexico City-Mexico
Convened by : Francesca Figueras (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Brown Dwarfs within Gaia
Dates : 21 October 2013 for 11 days
Grantee : Catia Cardoso (IT)
Host(s) : Ben Burningham (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Extragalactic Science with Gaia
Dates and location : 17 October 2013 - 01 January 1970, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Convened by : Mary Kontizas (GR)
Scientific report :
[School] EES2013 Stellar Ages
Dates and location : 29 September - 04 October 2013, Roscoff
Convened by : David Valls-Gabaud (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] The world of clusters
Dates and location : 17 - 20 September 2013, Padova
Convened by : Antonella Vallenari (IT)
Scientific report :
[School] The Galaxy, stellar compositions and dynamics
Dates and location : 02 - 06 September 2013, Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife, Spain)
Convened by : Francisco Garzón (ES)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Facilitating the Next Generation of Observational Predictions from N-Body Simulations
Dates : 01 September 2013 for 4 weeks
Grantee : Rok Roskar (CH)
Host(s) : Vanessa Hill (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Gaia Challenge
Dates and location : 19 - 23 August 2013, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK
Convened by : Justin Read (CH)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Gaia and the Unseen
Dates : 10 August 2013 for 14 days
Grantee : Richard Smart (IT)
Host(s) : Hugh Jones (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Fundamental Stellar Parameters - Special Session EWASS 2013
Dates and location : 08 - 12 July 2013, EWASS 2031 : Turku (Finland)
Convened by : Laura Portinari (FI)
Scientific report :
[School] II School on Astrostatistics and Data Mining
Dates and location : 17 - 21 June 2013, Alicante (Spain)
Convened by : Luis Manuel Sarro (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Spectroscopic Characterization of asteroids in the “Polana Family-ies”
Dates : 09 June 2013 for 14 days
Grantee : Noemi Pinilla-Alonso (US)
Host(s) : Javier Licandro (ES)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Asteroid Spectroscopy in Support of Gaia
Dates and location : 06 - 07 June 2013, Nice, France
Convened by : Marco Delbo (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Gaia capabilities for the study of open clusters
Dates : 13 May 2013 for 2 weeks
Grantee : Maroussia Roelens (FR)
Host(s) : Xavier Luri (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Asteroid Research Plan after the ASSG Workshop
Dates : 08 May 2013 for 8 days
Grantee : Humberto Campins (US)
Host(s) : Paolo Tanga (FR)
Scientific report :
[Conference] First Results from the Gaia-ESO Survey
Dates and location : 08 - 11 April 2013, Nice (France)
Convened by : Piercarlo Bonifacio (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] A Bayesian perspective to estimate parameters in galaxy modeling using hierarchical models
Dates : 01 April 2013 for 13 weeks
Grantee : Angel Berihuete Macias (ES)
Host(s) : Coryn Bailer-Jones (DE)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Improvements on characterization of Solar Type stars, chemical abundance derivation applied to ESO-Gaia Survey data.
Dates : 25 March 2013 for 10 weeks
Grantee : Hugo Tabernero (ES)
Host(s) : Nuno Santos (PT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Atomic Data for the Gaia-ESO Chemo-Dynamical Survey (GCDS)
Dates : 25 February 2013 for 5 days
Grantee : Matthew Ruffoni (UK)
Host(s) : Maria Bergemann (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] CoRoT targets as benchmark stars for the GAIA-ESO survey
Dates : 28 January 2013 for 5 days
Grantee : Thierry Morel (BE)
Host(s) : Andrea Miglio (UK)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Gaia science for the dynamics of NEOs
Dates : 15 January 2013 for 17 weeks
Grantee : David Bancelin (FR)
Host(s) : Rudolf DVORAK (AT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Comparison of GAIA asteroid classification to SDSS
Dates : 07 January 2013 for 9 days
Grantee : Francesca DeMeo (US)
Host(s) : Marco Delbo (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Gaia and Exoplanets: GREAT Synergies on the Horizon
Dates and location : 05 - 07 November 2012, Torino, Italy
Convened by : Alessandro Sozzetti (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Constraining the nature of the spiral arms through the velocity distribution function
Dates : 01 November 2012 for 15 days
Grantee : Santiago Roca-Fàbrega (ES)
Host(s) : Teresa Antoja (NL)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Maximizing the scientific exploitation of Gaia RVS and Gaia-ESO Survey data for faint magnitude stars
Dates : 15 October 2012 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Diego Fustes (ES)
Host(s) : Alejandra Recio-Blanco (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] The determination of the geometric albedo of asteroids from Gaia data
Dates : 08 October 2012 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Alberto Cellino (IT)
Host(s) : Paolo Tanga (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] The origin of the Lambda Orionis star forming region
Dates : 22 September 2012 for 7 days
Grantee : Nuria Huelamo (ES)
Host(s) : Beate Stelzer (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Asteroseismology with large time-resolved astronomical surveys
Dates and location : 19 - 21 September 2012, Leuven, Belgium
Convened by : Joris De Ridder (BE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Gaia-FUN-SSO 2012
Dates and location : 19 - 21 September 2012, Paris Observatory, France
Convened by : William Thuillot (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Stellar analyses in the Gaia-ESO Survey: towards the first Data Release
Dates and location : 19 - 21 September 2012, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (AIP), Potsdam, Germany
Convened by : Andreas Korn (SE)
Scientific report :
[School] Joint Gaia/ LSST Astro-Visualisation School
Dates and location : 13 - 18 September 2012, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Convened by : Nicholas Walton (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Thin Disk Kinematics
Dates : 10 September 2012 for 15 days
Grantee : Basmah Riaz (UK)
Host(s) : Giusi Micela (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 3rd Gaia Science Alerts Workshop
Dates and location : 06 - 07 September 2012, Bologna - Italy
Convened by : Gisella Clementini (IT)
Scientific report :
[School] The art of observational campaigns
Dates and location : 03 - 07 September 2012, La Laguna (S.C. Tenerife), SPAIN
Convened by : Francisco Garzón (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Automated non-LTE stellar parameter code for Gaia-ESO
Dates : 01 September 2012 for 5 days
Grantee : Maria Bergemann (DE)
Host(s) : Andreas Korn (SE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Dynamics of the IC348 young stellar cluster
Dates : 12 July 2012 for 12 days
Grantee : Nanda Kumar (PT)
Host(s) : Ralf-Dieter Scholz (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] The Milky Way: Stars, Gas, Dust and Magnetic Fields in 3D
Dates and location : 18 - 20 June 2012, Haus der Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
Convened by : Coryn Bailer-Jones (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Understanding the Inner Asteroid Belt - Sources for Primitive NEAs
Dates : 06 June 2012 for 10 days
Grantee : Kevin Walsh (US)
Host(s) : Marco Delbo (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] The metallicity distribution in the Milky Way discs
Dates and location : 29 - 31 May 2012, Bologna (Italy)
Convened by : Angela Bragaglia (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Stellar Radial Migration in Spiral Galaxies
Dates and location : 21 - 24 May 2012, Goriska Brda, Slovenia
Convened by : Rok Roskar (CH)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Infrared Spectra of Asteroids in Support of Gaia
Dates : 07 May 2012 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Humberto Campins (US)
Host(s) : Paolo Tanga (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Statistical inversion for binary asteroid orbits
Dates : 01 May 2012 for 16 weeks
Grantee : Dagmara Anna Oszkiewicz (FI)
Host(s) : Daniel Hestroffer (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Australia-France collaboration in the GAIA Follow-Up Network and GBOT
Dates : 27 April 2012 for 3 weeks
Grantee : David Martin Coward (AU)
Host(s) : Paolo Tanga (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Gaia-ESO Survey Workshop : Spectrum Analysis of FGK stars
Dates and location : 11 - 12 April 2012, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice (France)
Convened by : Alejandra Recio-Blanco (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Enhancing Gaia spectroscopic readiness: collaboration with AAOmega MOS
Dates : 17 March 2012 for 14 days
Grantee : Stefan Keller (AU)
Host(s) : Gerry Gilmore (UK)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] An automatic algorithm for asteroid family membership determination
Dates : 12 March 2012 for 6 weeks
Grantee : Bojan Novakovic (RS)
Host(s) : Alberto Cellino (IT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Enhancing Gaia spectroscopic readiness
Dates : 11 March 2012 for 6 weeks
Grantee : Andy Casey (AU)
Host(s) : Gerry Gilmore (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Interfaces between WG C2 Astrometry Reference Frame and WG C3 Quasars: improving GREAT activity/action
Dates : 05 March 2012 for 5 days
Grantee : Sonia Antón (PT)
Host(s) : Mariateresa Crosta (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] WGA1 Gaia Model workshop: Galaxy modelling with a Gaia mock catalogue
Dates and location : 29 February - 02 March 2012, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Convened by : Daisuke Kawata (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Realistic wavelength corrections for RVS with 3D hydrodynamical simulations of surface convection
Dates : 03 February 2012 for 14 days
Grantee : Andrea Chiavassa (BE)
Host(s) : Lionel Bigot (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Research of Close Approaches between Asteroids for Determining Masses of Asteroids
Dates : 05 December 2011 for 13 days
Grantee : Anatoliy Ivantsov (UA)
Host(s) : Daniel Hestroffer (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Galaxy modelling for preparing the Gaia analysis
Dates : 01 November 2011 for 4 weeks
Grantee : Maria Anna Czekaj (ES)
Host(s) : Annie C. Robin (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Orbiting couples: "pas de deux" in the Solar System and the Milky Way
Dates and location : 10 - 12 October 2011, Paris Observatory
Convened by : Frédéric Arenou (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Automated spectral analysis of FGK type stars for the Gaia-ESO survey
Dates : 03 October 2011 for 6 days
Grantee : Alejandra Recio-Blanco (FR)
Host(s) : Carlos Allende Prieto (ES)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] The UVES analysis of the Gaia-ESO Survey: tests, tools and survey implementation
Dates and location : 26 - 27 September 2011, Garching, Germany
Convened by : Andreas Korn (SE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Preparation to the thermophysical modeling of Gaia and WISE observations
Dates : 18 September 2011 for 14 days
Grantee : Kelsey Hargrove (US)
Host(s) : Marco Delbo (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Thermophysical models of asteroids from Gaia and WISE data
Dates : 11 September 2011 for 14 days
Grantee : Josef Durech (CZ)
Host(s) : Marco Delbo (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Analyzing Gaia’s detectability of comets
Dates : 20 July 2011 for 4 days
Grantee : Michael Weiler (ES)
Host(s) : Nuno Peixinho (PT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] The interstellar medium in three dimensions with Gaia
Dates and location : 11 - 14 July 2011, University of Leiden
Convened by : James Binney (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Stellar Atmospheres in the Gaia Era: Quantitative Spectroscopy and Comparative Spectrum Modelling
Dates and location : 23 - 24 June 2011, Free University Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB), Campus Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium.
Convened by : Alex Jan Lobel (BE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Followup
Dates : 19 June 2011 for 15 days
Grantee : Ashish Mahabal (US)
Host(s) : Lukasz Wyrzykowski (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] QSO Astrophysics, Fundamental physics, and Astrometric Cosmology in the Gaia era
Dates and location : 06 - 09 June 2011, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (Portugal)
Convened by : Sonia Anton (PT)
Scientific report :
[School] GREAT Data Mining and Astrostatistics Summer School
Dates and location : 30 May - 03 June 2011, La Palma, Spain
Convened by : Luis Manuel Sarro (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Galaxy modelling for preparing the Gaia analysis
Dates : 15 May 2011 for 13 days
Grantee : Maria Anna Czekaj (ES)
Host(s) : Annie C. Robin (FR)
Scientific report :
[Conference] The Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale: State of the Art and the Gaia Perspective
Dates and location : 03 - 06 May 2011, INAF -Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy
Convened by : Gisella Clementini (IT)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Assembling the puzzle of the Milky Way
Dates and location : 18 - 22 April 2011, Le Grand-Bornand, France
Convened by : Céline Reylé (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Asteroid dynamic and physical studies during and after the Gaia mission
Dates and location : 13 - 15 April 2011, Pisa, Italy
Convened by : Paolo Tanga (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Gaia and the End States of Stellar Evolution
Dates and location : 11 - 13 April 2011, University of Leicester, UK
Convened by : Matthew Burleigh (UK)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Structural Properties of Hercules-Aquila Cloud from Infrared Photometry
Dates : 21 March 2011 for 12 weeks
Grantee : Iulia-Teodora Simion (FR)
Host(s) : Vasily Belokurov (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Statistics of the Gaia Universe Model: a tools to prepare the scientific exploitation of the Gaia mission.
Dates : 07 March 2011 for 5 days
Grantee : Sergi Blanco (ES)
Host(s) : Annie Robin (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Constraining the merger history of our Galaxy
Dates : 15 February 2011 for 4 weeks
Grantee : Daniel Aden (SE)
Host(s) : Justin Read (CH)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Galaxy modelling for preparing the Gaia analysis
Dates : 30 January 2011 for 13 days
Grantee : Maria Anna Czekaj (ES)
Host(s) : Annie C. Robin (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Gaia Chemo-Dynamical Survey: Survey science
Dates and location : 02 - 04 November 2010, Nice (France)
Convened by : Vanessa HILL (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Gaia asteroid photometry : some problems related to shape approximations
Dates : 01 November 2010 for 16 weeks
Grantee : Albino Carbognani (IT)
Host(s) : Paolo Tanga (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] The Revised SDSS Equatorial Proper Motion Catalogue - A test-bed for scientific exploitation of Gaia data
Dates : 01 October 2010 for 12 weeks
Grantee : Martin C. Smith (CN)
Host(s) : N. Wyn Evans (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] GREAT Workshop on Comparative Stellar Spectrum Modelling
Dates and location : 23 - 24 August 2010, University of Vienna, Austria
Convened by : Ulrike Heiter (SE)
Scientific report :
Dates and location : 23 - 25 June 2010, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge
Convened by : Simon Hodgkin (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Ground-based observations and theoretical analysis for the Gaia Science on Open Clusters and Young Associations.
Dates and location : 13 - 14 May 2010, Museo Diocesano di Catania, Italy
Convened by : Alessandro Lanzafame (IT)
Scientific report :