Asian Studies Programme (ASP)



Newsletter (February 2000)

List of Meetings 2001

The following meetings have been granted by the Asia Committee and will be held in 2001:

The Dark Side of Life in Asia and the West - night-time and time to sleep, 4-6 January, Vienna,  Austria

Patronage in Indo-Persian Culture, 21-23 March, Paris, France

Political Parties in South Asia: Asianisation of Western Model?, 29 March-1 April, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Immigration to Japan, EU and the USA and the Japonese Abroad, 11-14 April, Kobe, Japan

Labour Migration and Socio-Economic Change in Southeast and East Asia, May, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Participatory Technology Development and Local Knowledge for Sustainable Land use in Southeast Asia, 6-7 June, Hanoi, Vietnam

Imperialism, Medicine and south Asia: a socio-political perspective, 1800-1950, 15-16 June, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Modern Chinese Historiography and Historical Thinking, 15-17 June, Heidelberg, Germany

Asian Welfare Policy Responses to the Crash of 1997, 16-18 August, Bergen, Norway

Intellectual and Spiritual Authorities in 20th-Century Middle Eurasia. Status, networks, discourse, strategies, October, Istanbul, Turkey.

Workshops held in 2000

The following workshops were held in 2000:

Migration, Urban Development and Demographic Change in Punjab 1890s-1990s, 19-20 February 2000, Coventry, United Kingdom

Interpreting Asian Cultures in Museums: displays, activities, strategies, 15-17 March 2000, London, United Kingdom

Demographic Developments and Value Change in Contemporary Modern Societies - East Asian and Western societies in comparative perspective, 16-17 March 2000, Bonn, Germany

Indegenous People: the trajectory of a contemporary concept in India, 7-9 April 2000, Uppsala, Sweden

Building the Social Safety Net for Asian Societies in Transition, 27-29 April 2000, Louvain-la_Neuve, Belgium

Brokers of Capital and Knowledge: producer services and social mobility in Provincial Asia, 8-10 May 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Gender and the Transmission of Values Systems and Cultural Heritage(s) in South and Southeast Asia, 23-24 May 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Last Decade of Migration from the People's Republic of China to Europe and Asia, 25-26 May 2000, Budapest, Hungary

Good Government, Eastern and Western Perspectives, 30 May-2 June 2000, Seoul, Korea

Human and Regional Security around the South China Sea, 2-4 June 2000, Oslo, Norway

Medecine in China. Health techniques and social history, 21-23 June 2000, Paris, France

Centre and Periphery in Southeast Asia, 7-8 July 2000, London, United Kingdom

Workshops held in 1999

The following workshops have been granted by the Asian Studies Programme and were held 1999:

Chinese Transnational Enterprises and Entrepreneurship in Prosperity and Adversity: South China and Southeast Asia during the 20th century, 26-27 August 1999, Hong Kong, PR China

Preservation of Dunhuang and Central Asian Collections, 7-12 September 1999, St Petersburg, Russia

Mongolians from Country to City: floating boundaries, pastoralism, and city life in the Mongol lands during the 20th Century, 28-30 October 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark