
24. November 2011

The European Science Foundation’s MED (formerly EMRC) calls for the common use of the Health Research Classification System across Europe

The European Science Foundation’s (ESF) membership organisation for all medical research councils in Europe, the MED (formerly EMRC) (, has today released an ESF-MED (formerly EMRC) Science Policy Briefing (SPB) highlighting the need to utilise the Health and Research Classification System (HRCS) as the... [more]

24. November 2011

The European Science Foundation elects Pär Omling as new President at its Assembly; Martin Hynes appointed as new Chief Executive

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has today announced the names of its new President and Chief Executive, who will take up office on 1 January 2012. The ESF Assembly, attended by representatives of ESF Member Organisations, took place on 24 November in Strasbourg, France elected Pär Omling as... [more]

23. November 2011

ESF awards 13th European Latsis Prize to James Vaupel on pioneering demographic research

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has awarded this year’s European Latsis Prize to Professor James W. Vaupel, of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. The theme for this year’s prize was “Demography.” Professor Vaupel was awarded the prize for his contributions... [more]

17. November 2011

European Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics

At a recent event held in Dublin, Ireland, the significant contribution of mathematics to the solving of problems in industry across Europe was highlighted with the launch of the book ‘European Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics’. [more]

3. November 2011

Nature article by members of the ESF EuroGENESIS Eurocores Program (UPC-Barcelona), University of Pisa & Stony Brook University show that Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities are the likely source of inhomogeneous mixing in nova explosions.

The steady vision of a starry night is challenged by the unexpected appearance of cosmic beacons, stellar explosions that shed light and matter to space. Among the rich zoo of stellar explosions, classical novae have captivated the interest of astronomers for decades.  [more]

17. October 2011

Nature Immunology publishes ESF recommendations for research into link between genes and environment in chronic inflammatory diseases

The dramatic and continuing proliferation of chronic inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, asthma, and allergy among industrialized countries is now accepted as being caused by a combination of environmental and individual genetic risk factors. [more]

7. October 2011

PEER Behavioural Research: Final Report on authors and users vis-a-vis journals and repositories now available

PEER (Publishing and the Ecology of European Research) is a three year project supported by the EC eContentplus programme aimed at improving understanding of the effects of the large scale deposit of stage two (accepted) manuscripts in open access repositories (Green Open Access). [more]

4. October 2011

Strasbourg - CNRS senior researcher Jules Hoffmann awarded 2011 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine

The 2011 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded to Jules Hoffmann, a French citizen native of Luxembourg, CNRS senior researcher emeritus and professor at the university of Strasbourg, jointly with Bruce A. Beutler for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity.  [more]

28. September 2011

FENS and ESF - new partners in a series of high visibility neuroscience conferences

FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) and ESF are new partners in a series of high visibility neuroscience conferences. Find out more in the following article, written by Lars Kristiansen, ESF Science Officer in our Biomedical sciences Unit (MED (formerly EMRC)) and published in the current FENS... [more]