
28. February 2008

Podcast: An interview with Frontiers of Functional Genomics’ Chair Dr. Taussig on the 3rd ESF Functional Genomics Conference on 1-4 October 2008

Dr. Mike Taussig, the Chairman of the ESF’s Frontiers of Functional Genomics (FFG) speaks about the 3rd ESF Functional Genomics Conference, which will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, on 1-4 October 2008. [more]

22. February 2008

The new dynamics of European migration

Policy issues on migration in Europe could easily provoke heated debates and generate enormous interest.  These issues have recently drawn a crowd of over 40 researchers and about 50 students, journalists, policymakers and others to Nice in December 2007 for an ESF conference on migration and... [more]

20. February 2008

Big molecules join together will lead to better drugs, workshop found

Bacteria can be made to spin spider silk [more]

19. February 2008

Roger Jowell, the founder of the European Social Survey, gets knighted for contribution in social science

Professor Roger Jowell, the co-founder and director of the European Science Foundation (ESF)- conceived European Social Survey (ESS), was recently awarded a knighthood by the Queen of England for his contribution to the social science field. The ESS was the first methodologically consistent study... [more]

18. February 2008

Novel organic metal hybrids revolutionise materials science and chemical engineering

A novel class of hybrid materials made from metals and organic compounds is changing the face of solid state chemistry and materials science just 10 years after its discovery, with applications already in safe storage of highly inflammable gases such as hydrogen and methane.  Europe is aiming... [more]

15. February 2008

European Neuroscience and Society Network tackles neurosocieties head-on

The neurosciences have such a wide-ranging influence on so many areas of life that a new concept of the community has developed called “neurosocieties.”  To bring this community together, the European Neuroscience and Society Network (ENSN), funded by the European Science Foundation (ESF), has... [more]

14. February 2008

EDemocracy research requires all-inclusive approach, conference told

Research into eDemocracy must become more interdisciplinary, collaborative and comparative if it is to sufficiently analyse the role and impact of technology in democratic processes, heard delegates of a recent European Science Foundation (ESF) research conference on eDemocracy.EDemocracy is the... [more]

13. February 2008

ESF’s MED (formerly EMRC) strengthens training course on clinical trials management

Around 170 doctors, nurses and medical researchers from Europe and North America were given important insights into how to run successful clinical trials across national boundaries at a two-day training course in Croydon, UK.The course, sponsored by the European Science Foundation as part of its... [more]

13. February 2008

Stem cells give clues to understanding cancer; make breakthrough in childhood leukaemia

Scientists in Switzerland are uncovering new clues about how cancer cells grow – and how they can be killed – by studying stem cells, ‘blank’ cells that have the potential to develop into fully mature or ‘differentiated’ cells and other scientists in UK have made a breakthrough in understanding the... [more]

5. February 2008

Collaboration needed for strengthening medical research in Europe

Public spending on medical research in Europe should be doubled over the next ten years to ensure health and welfare for Europe’s citizens and to nurture a thriving European medical research industry. There should be greater collaboration between European institutions in medical research and... [more]