
21. January 2008

Economists help climate scientists to improve global warming forecasts

Climate scientists are collaborating with experts in economic theory to improve their forecasting models and assess more accurately the impact of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Although there is broad consensus that there will be a significant rise in average global temperature, there is... [more]

18. January 2008

Stem cell research aims to tackle Parkinson’s disease

New ways to grown brain cells in the laboratory could eventually provide a way to treat Parkinson’s disease [more]

17. January 2008

ESF’s workshop restores good name of sugar

Glycoscience now hotbed of medical research [more]

14. January 2008

Minister predicts role for stem cell biologists in re-shaped pharmaceutical industry

Stem cell research should have a bright future and could play an important role in tomorrow’s pharmaceutical industry, Spain’s Minister for Health told an international conference of stem cell biologists on January 11. Professor Bernat Soria, himself a distinguished cell biologist, was speaking at... [more]

10. January 2008

The construction of heart modelling leads path to new therapies

Heart disease is still a major killer, especially in the western world, but new therapies based on stem cells and other techniques could now be imminent. Progress is being held back however by the difficulty testing new therapies on human heart tissue, with animal models being only of limited value... [more]

7. January 2008

Examining the European economy from a historical perspective

Is the single European market in people, goods, money and ideas a new development? Or are we merely reassembling something that existed a century ago? Appropriately, the European Science Foundation is supporting the researchers who aim to find out. GlobalEuroNet, the Globalizing Europe Economic... [more]

5. January 2008

How to imbue products with symbolic meaning

Many people pay silly money to wear a particular logo or a designer brand. Of course, a designer outfit doesn't keep you any warmer or dryer than an unbranded one, but functionality is only part of the story. Designer products say something about you – you are a trendy, sexy or sophisticated... [more]

4. January 2008

Food for Thought: delivering the promise of food processing

Humans have transformed raw ingredients into food since prehistoric times.  But scientists are still looking for new ways to make food taste better and survive longer.   Presenting their findings at a recent European Science Foundation (ESF) and European Cooperation in the field of... [more]

3. January 2008

IPY needs full archive system to continue ‘extraordinarily success’, director says

International Polar Year (IPY), the largest and most ambitious scientific effort for half a century, has been an “extraordinarily international success” since its launch in March 2007 but the initiative could be in danger of losing its momentum and purpose if a comprehensive data storage facility... [more]

3. January 2008

Professor Marja Makarow becomes new CEO for the European Science Foundation

The new year marks a new era for the European Science Foundation with Professor Marja Makarow beginning her duty as the organisation’s new chief executive; making her the first woman to take the top post in the science organisation’s 34-year history. Over the past decade, Makarow, Professor of... [more]