
13. December 2007

EuroBioForum Sows the Seeds for Future Life Sciences Initiatives in Europe

A meeting of researchers, administrators and funding agencies has laid the foundations for a key part of Europe’s future research strategy in the life sciences.The EuroBioForum conference in Lisbon, Portugal on 6 and 7 December, organised by the European Science Foundation (ESF) and the European... [more]

11. December 2007

Korea Research Foundation eyes entry into ESF’s EUROCORES, Research Networking Programmes

In another sign of how European Science Foundation (ESF)’s activities are breaking geographic barriers and exerting global influences, the Korea Research Foundation (KRF) has expressed desire to participate in ESF’s programmes such as the European Collaborative Research (EUROCORES) Scheme and the... [more]

8. December 2007

Far flung food: Europe's distant diets

ESF-COST conference examines food’s journey from outside of the EU [more]

6. December 2007

A New Manifesto For Medical Research In Europe

Public spending on medical research in Europe should be doubled over the next ten years to ensure the health and welfare of Europe’s citizens and to nurture a thriving medical research industry, according to an influential panel of distinguished scientists. In addition there should be greater... [more]

4. December 2007

ESF Conference examines into insect’s immunity system

The long-held idea that only vertebrates have sophisticated adaptive immune systems that can protect them for life against many pathogens after being infected by them just once has been revised in recent years. It turns out that many insects also have a form of immune memory that protects them... [more]

4. December 2007

The Million Euro Nanoreactor

Jeroen Cornelissen of the Institute for Molecules and Materials at the Radboud University in the Netherlands has received €1million from EURYI (European Young Investigator Awards). The award will allow Cornelissen (35), an assistant professor at Radboud and a member of the scientific board of a... [more]

30. November 2007

The 2007 ESF General Assembly gives green light to 3 new Member Organisations, vice presidents

The 34th annual General Assembly of the European Science Foundation (ESF), attended by over 70 senior representatives of ESF Member Organisations and other international bodies,  took a number of important decisions in order to strengthen the ESF’s future. The Assembly, which took place on... [more]

29. November 2007

Aurora Borealis breaks new grounds - and old ice

It can crush ice sideways and stay precisely on station to an accuracy of a metre. It can drill a hole 1,000 metres deep into the seabed while floating above 5,000 metres of ocean and it can generate 55 megawatts of power.  Aurora Borealis will be the first ever international ship, the... [more]

29. November 2007

ESF’s 1st Science Policy Conference ponders questions on ERA, Global Research Area

Never mind the politics of a superstate, just consider the scientific challenge that faces Europe. Should researchers co-operate or compete? Should there be a master plan, prepared by the ministers, funding agencies and chiefs of European science, or should Europe’s commissioners encourage... [more]

28. November 2007

Editorial: From ERA to GLOREA: Global Cooperation is to our Advantage

Please click here for an editorial piece written by ESF Chief Executive Dr. John Marks for Research Europe on the subject of the (ERA) European Research Area and GLOREA (Global Research Area) For more on Research Europe please go to [more]