ESF-FWF Conference in Partnership with LFUI
11-16 September 2010
Preliminary Programme |
The scope of the conference is to create a discussion platform and new synergic contacts among researchers that are already, or may become, involved in Submarine Paleoseismology. This new field of study merges and integrates two well-established disciplines: paleoseismology and marine geology. During the past years, scientists coming from both fields have underlined the need to broaden paleoseismology into the marine environment. Successful examples come from the Marmara Sea, Oregon Coast, New Zealand, Japan and South Iberian margins.
Submarine Paleoseismology represents a unique and powerful addition to the current knowledge on Holocene faulting and paleoseismicity obtained from research on land. Despite that traditional onland paleoseismological techniques are not feasible in sub-aqueous environments, Submarine Paleoseismology has several advantages: (i) marine sedimentation is generally continuous in time and space, (ii) marine geological and geophysical instrumentation allow to explore extensive areas in a relatively short time, (iii) offshore regions are essentially free of human disturbance.
We expect that this conference will be a remarkable event where integration of different disciplines and goals merge to increase our knowledge on the Earth system.
Saturday 11 September: ARRIVAL DAY
17.00 - Registration Open
19.30 - Welcome Drinks Reception
20.00 - Dinner
Sunday 12 September: Full conference day
Monday 13 September: Full conference day
Tuesday 14 September: Full conference day
Wednesday 15 September: Full conference day
Thursday 16 September: DEPARTURE DAY
Departure after breakfast: 08.00 & 09.00
Conference format:
Full conference programme HERE |