Emergent Properties of the Cytoskeleton: Molecules to Cells
3-8 October 2010
With Support from
The Royal Microscopical Society is - and always has been - at the forefront of new ideas and developments in microscopy and imaging. The Society publishes The Journal of Microscopy and a series of microscopy books, as well as helping young scientists through bursaries. In addition, the Society pursues initiatives to encourage young microscopists who may go on to influence our future.
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB), University of Iowa The DSHB was created in 1986 by the Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH) to bank and distribute hybridomas and the monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) they produce to the general scientific community in order to facilitate research. Learn More...
Journal of Cell Science covers the complete range of topics in cell biology and is also of key interest to developmental biologists, molecular biologists and geneticists. Each issue includes research articles, as well as review articles commissioned from experts in particular fields, brief syntheses of important areas and topical comment.
The European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA) was formed in 1984 as a non-profit making organisation, with the objectives "to advance and disseminate knowledge of the principles, recent developments and applications of biophysics, and to foster the exchange of scientific information among European biophysicists and biophysicists in general".
In 2009, the Abercrombie Conference Fund was incorporated into the BSCB. Grants are now available to be used by organisers of conferences in the cell motility field if they can justify a need for additional support for an invited speaker or event beyond the normal sources of conference income generation.
Some 2,000 academic journals and around 6,500 new books are published each year by Springer – in Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, Vienna, Paris, London, Milan, Moscow, New York, Beijing, Tokyo and New Delhi. 90 percent of our publications appear on the market in English.