333 Final Programme

ESF-FMSH Entre-Sciences Conference in partnership with UPCAM

Global Change Research II: Environmental Crisis, Energy Issues and Global Regulation Policies

11-16 June 2010

Final Programme

Friday 11 June

17:00 - 19:00
Registration at ESF Desk
Welcome Drink
Saturday 12 June

08:30 - 09:00

Welcome Address
François Rochet - Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, FR
Jean-Bernard Saulnier - LET/ENSMA, FR
Bruno Hamelin - University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III, FR
Paola Campus - European Science Foundation, FR

Session 1: Climate Change: Perception, Impacts and Adaptation
Bruno Hamelin - UPCAM, FR
09:00 -  09.45Pierre Matarasso - CNRS, FR
Compatibility between GHG reduction and sustainable growth: basis for a "green growth"
09:45 - 10:00Nikolai Bobylev - Russian Academy of Sciences, RU
Urban physical infrastructure adaptation to climate change
(short talk)
10:00 - 10:30Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:15
Cédric Philibert - International Energy Agency, FR
The uses of energy
11:15 - 12:00
15:30 - 16:00Coffee Break
Session 2: Energy & Human Needs versus Energy & Environment
Chair: Pierre Matarasso - CNRS, FR
16:00 - 16:45Karl-Friedrich Zieghan - Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, DE
Research for a sustainable energy future between visionary ideas and realistic options
16:45 - 17:00
Olga Degtiareva - Odessa State Economic University, UA
Towards sustainable energy production and consumption
(short talk)
17:00 - 17:15Akinyemi Gabriel Omonijo - Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, NG
Climate change and electricity production in Nigeria – a challenge
(short talk)
17:15 - 18:00
Claude Ayache - CEA, FR
An overview of the European Energy policy and/or European Energy Research
20:30 - 22:00Poster Session
Sunday 13 June

Session 3: Basic Science & the Development of Sustainable Energy Technology
Chair: Jean-Bernard Saulnier - LET/ENSMA, FR
09:00 – 09:45Hamid Ait Abderrahim - SCK-CEN, BE
Perspectives on the nuclear
09:45 - 10:30Siglinda Perathoner - University of Messina, IT
New energy sources and CO2 treatment
10:30 - 10:45Group Photo
10:45 – 11:15Coffee Break
11:15 - 11:30
Virenda Kumar Goswami - U.P. Technical University, IN
The physico-chemical characteristics of the chemical substances to control the global warming by the development of physico-chemical process using selective catalyst-beds
(short talk)
11:30 - 11:45
Joni Jupesta - Tohoku University, JP
Analysis of the transition energy systems from oil-based to bio-based energy supply: Indonesia case
(short talk)
11:45 - 12:00
Cécile Rongemaille - Université de la Mediterranee, FR
Shallow Lake Dynamics and Environmental Taxation
(short talk)
Half-day excursion
20:00 - 21:00Forward Look Plenary Discussion
Monday 14 June

Session 4: Basic Science & the Development of Sustainable Energy Technology (continued)
Jean-Bernard Saulnier - LET/ENSMA, FR
09:00 - 09:45 Deborah Jones - University of Montpellier II, FR
Contribution of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies to a sustainable energy future
09:45 - 10:30Pierre-Guy Thérond - EDF, FR
Onshore wind energy development: why, how, issues? A testimony from a green energy provider
10:30 - 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:15Anita Skulimowska - University of Montpellier 2, FR
Hydrogen fuel production by using medium temperature PEM water electrolysis
(short talk)
11:15 - 11:30Nirmala Rajaure - Nepal Aademy of Science and Technology, NP
Improved cooking stoves and alternative fuel for the poor villagers
(short talk)
11:30 - 11:45
Zia Wadud - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, BD
CNG conversion of motor vehicles in Dhaka: air quality and climate benefits
(short talk)
11:45 - 12:00
Catalina Mocanu - National Research and Development Institute, RO
Wastewater pretreatment processes numerical simulations in the sewage system
(short talk)
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break
Session 5: Local & Global Environmental Policies: the Interface between Technologies, Science & Society
Chair: Amy Dahan - CNRS, FR
16:00 - 16:45
Virginie Mercier - UPCAM, FR
The buildings energetic performance
16:45 - 17:30
Gaël Callonec - ADEME, FR
Modelling the efficiency of economical measures enforced to reduce CO2 emission in residential sector
17:30 - 17:45
Jun Li - IDDRI Sciences Po, FR
Governing urban infrastructure in developing cities:the role of carbon finance
(short talk)
17:45 - 18:00
Yasser Yeddir-Tamsamani - OFCE Sciences-Po Economic Research Centre, FR
Presentation of the Threeme Model : multi-sector macroeconomic model for the evaluation of environmental and energy policy
(short talk)
19:00Reception and Conference Dinner
Tuesday 15 June

Session 6: Local & Global Environmental Policies: the Interface between Technologies, Science & Society (continued)
Chair: Gaël Callonec - ADEME, FR
09:00 - 09:45Jean-Yves Caneill - EDF, FR
Technologies transfer and appropriate policies/instruments for the electricity sector
09:45 - 10:30
Marcelo Varella - Centro Universitário de Brasília, BR
Private markets for bioenergy to promote social development and environmental preservation in developing countries: examples from sugar cane and biodiesel
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 11:15Amy Dahan - CNRS, FR
After Copenhagen, revisiting both scientific and political frames of the climate change regime
(short talk)
11:15 - 11:30Marion Lemoine - UPCAM, FR
Energy issue and the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol
(short talk)
11:30 - 11:45
Carina Costa De Oliveira - University Paris II - Panthéon Assas, FR
International environmental law challenges: some solutions brought by private international law
(short talk)
11:45 - 12:30
François Rochet - Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, FR
Implementing innovative projects on environmental issues: an Entre-Sciences perspective
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break
Session 7: Local & Global Environmental Policies: the Interface between Technologies, Science & Society (continued)
Marcelo Varella - Centro Universitário de Brasília, BR
16:00 - 16:15Antoine Dechezleprêtre - London School of Economics, UK
Invention and transfer of climate change mitigation technologies on a global scale: a study drawing on patent data
(short talk)
16:15 - 16:30
Priscila Pereira de Andrade - University Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne, FR
The use of private law instruments as a new trend of international environmental law: the case of renewable energy promotion
(short talk)

16:30 - 16:45
Andre Pilon - University of São Paulo, BR
An ecosystemic approach to the problems of difficult settlement or solution in the world
(short talk)

16:45 - 17:00
Nicolas Pradel - UPCAM, FR
The environmentally protective dimension of the EU’s external energy policy
(short talk)

17:00 - 17:30
Conference Closing
Wednesday 16 June

Breakfast and Departure

With support from