ESF Research Conferences

ESF Mathematics Conference in partnership with EMS and ERCOM/INI

Highly Oscillatory Problems: From Theory to Applications

12-17 September 2010

The Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK

Chaired by:
- Arieh Iserles, Cambridge University, UK

- Claude Le Bris - Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Champs-sur-Marne, FR

Organising Committee:
- Folkmar Bornemann - Technische Universität München, DE
- Simon Chandler-Wilde - University of Reading, UK
- Bjorn Engquist - University of Texas at Austin, US & KTH Stockholm, SE
- Ernst Hairer - Université de Genève, CH
- Laurence Halpern - Université Paris XIII, FR
- Ralf Hiptmair - ETH Zürich, CH


© Mohammed Motamed and Olof Runborg (2009) Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Please note that the conference programme will start on September 13 at 8:45 but accommodation is from September 12.

Conference programme is available here .
Recommended poster size is A0 (Vertical). Use letters and drawings that can be read from approximately 100 cm distance.

Highly oscillatory phenomena occur in a wide range of mathematical applications: from fluid to solid mechanics, electromagnetics, acoustics, combustion, computerised tomography and imaging, molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry, plasma transport and electrical engineering. Such phenomena have attracted a great deal of mathematical attention, mainly in harmonic analysis, asymptotic analysis, homogenisation, differential geometry, theory of Hamiltonian systems and theory of integrable systems. They have an oft-undeserved reputation of being hopelessly difficult to analyse and to compute: the truth of the matter is that, once they have been understood from the mathematical standpoint, effective computational algorithms are bound to follow.

To learn more about the conference, please click here.

Conference flyer PDF (73 KB) - last updated 10-November-2009.

How to Participate

Conference participation is possible only after successful application.
If you are interested in participating, please contact the conference officer Ms Alessandra Piccolotto.

Registration - only for accepted participants

Registration Form

For accepted participants and invited speakers only

All participants - including speakers, chairs & session chairs - are kindly expected to confirm their attendance (and, when applicable, to pay the conference fee) by filling in a Registration Form.

Closing date for Early Bird Registration & fee payment: 01 August 2010

FINAL closing date for ALL registration & fee payment: 15 August 2010

Fees & Grants

Conference fees cover an all inclusive package which includes all basic expenses that occur during the event. For more details, click here.

To Pay
Conference fee will be covered by ESF and its partners0 €
INI Grantee*
Conference Fee will be covered by INI
0 €
Early Bird Registration and payment before 01 August 2010680 €
Registration and payment before the registration deadline on August 15 2010
750 €
Conference participation without accommodation500 €
Late Registration Supplement
An additional 150€ will be charged if participants register after the official registration deadline.

Plus 150 €

* Please note: this fee is eligible for local participants selected by INI. If you are interested in this grant, please write a brief email to the Conference Officer responsible (contact details at the bottom of the page). The list of the applicants will be communicated to INI who will make the selection.

7 EUR of this fee is used to make this conference more ecologically sustainable. This amount will allow us to offset almost 100% of the CO2 emissions created by this conference and are part of our efforts to make ESF Research Conferences greener.. For more information, please click here


Practical Information

For detailed information on all practical aspects of the conference and venue, please refer to the Practical Information Guide.

ESF Contact

If you have any questions please consult our FAQ page or contact:
Ms Alessandra Piccolotto Email
Conference Officer
Phone +32 (0)2 533 2023
Fax +32 (0)2 538 8486
Please quote 10-340 in any correspondence.