ESF Conference in Partnership with LFUI
24-29 April 2011
Preliminary Programme |
The Graphene Week 2011 conference will be devoted to the science and technology of graphene, advances in its growth and chemical processing, manufacturing graphene-based devices and studies of electronic transport, investigation of physical properties using ARPES, STM and AFM, emerging applications of this new material. It will also address studies of optical properties of graphene and their applications in optoelectronics, graphene manufacturing by mechanical and chemical exfoliation, synthesis on SiC, and growth on metals and semiconductors.
Sessions will also cover the emerging studies of nanomechanical devices incorporating graphene flakes. The Conference programme will incorporate invited reviews, contributing talks, and two poster sessions. The organizers will welcome all researchers working on graphitic systems and scientists and postgraduate students from all countries.
Conference format:
Igor Aleiner - Columbia University, US
Antonio Castro Neto - Boston University, US and University of Singapore, SG
Hongjie Dai * - University of Stanford, US
Yuriy Dedkov - FHI Berlin, DE
Michael Fuhrer - Maryland University, US
Hong-Jun Gao - Institute of Physics CAS, CN
Roman Gorbachev - Manchester University, UK
Francisco Guinea - Madrid University, ES
Byung Hee Hong - Sungkyunkwan University, KR
Euyheon Hwang - Maryland University, US
James Hone - Columbia University, US
Alexey Kuzmenko - Geneve University, CH
Brian LeRoy - University of Arizona, US
Alan MacDonald - University of Texas, US
Charles Marcus - Harvard University, US
Konstantin Novoselov - Manchester University, UK
Tomás Palacios - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
Marcos Pimenta - University of Minas Gerais, BR
Aron Pinczuk - Columbia University, US
Eli Rotenberg - Advanced Light Source, Berkeley, US
Tomas Seyller - Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE
Feng Wang - UC Berkeley, US
Amir Yacoby - Harvard University, US
Rozitsa Yakimova - Linköping University, SE
Alex Zettl * - Berkeley University, US
* to be confirmed