The European Science Foundation (ESF), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) have agreed to co-sponsor - within the framework of the ESF Research Conferences Scheme - a series of Summer Schools in Physics and Astronomy (SUSSP).
The Summer Schools will provide advanced scientific training in Physics and Astronomy, with the opportunity for graduate PhD students and post-graduate researchers of establishing connections with their contemporaries during periods of in-depth training.
EPSRC are the main UK government agency for funding research and training in engineering and the physical sciences, investing around £740 million a year in a broad range of subjects – from mathematics to materials science, and from information technology to structural engineering. EPSRC operate to meet the needs of industry and society by working in partnership with universities to invest in people and scientific discovery and innovation. The knowledge and expertise gained maintains a technological leading edge, builds a strong economy and improves people's quality of life. EPSRC's work is complementary to other research investors including other research councils, government agencies, industry and the European Union. EPSRC actively engage in and encourage partnerships and collaborations across disciplines, boundaries and the world. EPSRC also actively promote public engagement in science, engineering and technology.
Formed by Royal Charter in 2007, the Science and Technology Facilities Council is one of Europe's largest multidisciplinary research organisations supporting scientists and engineers world-wide. The Council operates world-class, large scale research facilities and provides strategic advice to the UK government on their development. It also manages international research projects in support of a broad cross-section of the UK research community. The Council also directs, coordinates and funds research, education and training.