ESF-VR-FORMAS Conferences on Global Change Research

ESF-VR-FORMAS Partnership

The European Science Foundation (ESF), the Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council, VR) and Forskningsrådet för miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande–The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS) have agreed to co-sponsor a series of Scientific Conferences, within the framework of the ESF Research Conferences Scheme. The Series will be known as ‘ESF-VR-FORMAS Conferences on Global Change Research’, and will be at the highest scientific level with respect to topics and choice of participants. The Conferences will bring together participants and experts in earth systems and other relevant disciplines to discuss topics that are of major importance to the scientific community in Europe. Selected conferences in the series will take place every other year.

The topics should be at the forefront of scientific research and may be interdisciplinary when appropriate. ESF-VR-FORMAS Conferences will concentrate on topics in the broad area of Global Change Research.

ESF-VR-FORMAS Conferences will take place in Nynäshamn, Sweden, located around 60 km south of Stockholm and 100 km from Arlanda airport. The maximum capacity at this venue is 250 participants. The Conferences will generally be held in the summer (May-September). The typical duration of a Conference is 4-5 days.

Conference Guidelines PDF (97 KB) Last Updated 28-May-2008


The Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council, VR) was established in 2001. Its main mission is to support basic research of highest scientific quality within all areas (humanities and social sciences, medicine and natural & engineering sciences). Among the many tasks of the Council the following can be mentioned: to promote high quality and renewal of Swedish basic research; to support research initiated by scientists; to initiate and promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research; to promote a gender perspective in research; to promote and initiate international research co-operation.



FORMAS (Forskningsrådet för miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande–The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning) is a governmental research-funding agency related to several ministries, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications and the Ministry of Education and Science. FORMAS encourages and supports scientifically significant research related to sustainable development. This especially means support in the areas of the environment, agricultural sciences including forestry, horticulture, veterinary medicine, food, fish and reindeer husbandry, and spatial planning including building sciences and community systems. The projects supported cover a wide range of approaches from basic research to more applied efforts and within the built environment also demonstration and experimental projects.