CRM Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa, Italy

Collegio Puteano

The conference will be held at the Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi in Pisa, Italy. It was established at the end of 2001 as a center of the Scuola Normale Superiore, with the character of an inter-university center, by the three university institutions of Pisa: the University of Pisa, the Scuola di Studi Superiore Sant'Anna and the Scuola Normale Superiore.

The Center is located in Piazza dei Cavalieri, opposite the Scuola Normale Superiore. The seat of the Centre is the Palazzo Puteano.

A map showing the location of these different buildings is available here.

Caterina D'Elia
Collegio Puteano, Scuola Normale Superiore
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 3
56100 Pisa

E-mail: crm[at]


Reaching the Venue

By air
 The Pisa international airport, also known as Pisa-Florence airport 'Galileo Galilei' is located by the coast, 1 kilometre from Pisa Centre and only 80 kilometres from Florence, and has direct access to highways, motorways and railways.

By rail
There are frequent regular trains connecting Pisa with international airports and other cities in Italy and Europe. To check train timetables you can use the official website of Trenitalia. A train shuttle also connects Pisa Airport with the main railway station down-town, stazione Pisa Centrale.

By city bus
The Centro De Giorgi, the Hotel Santacroce in Fossabanda and the Residence Domus can be easily reached from Pisa Airport using city buses. The journey takes around 30 minutes. A bus ticket costs Euros 1.10 and can be purchased at the Tobacconist's. More information (timetable, maps, itineraries) is available from the Compagnia Pisana Trasporti (CPT).

If you wish to reach any of these three destinations by city bus, you will first need to go the railway station, stazione Pisa Centrale., From the airport, take the LAM ROSSA (LAM red) bus . It will reach the railway station, stazione Pisa Centrale at the 6th stop (including departure). 

From the railway station, stazione Pisa Centrale, to Hotel Santacroce in Fossabanda using city buses:

There are 2 options:

1) Take the LAM BLU (LAM Blue) bus. The bus runs through the City centre towards the Arno River (Eastbound), then crosses the bridge and runs along Via Matteotti. You must get off at the bus stop called “Matteotti 3” in Via Matteotti, namely at the 4th stop after departing the Stazione Pisa Centrale. Walk a few metres ahead to the crossroads of Via Matteotti with Via San Michele degli Scalzi. At the crossroads take to the left and walk straight on along Via San Michele degli Scalzi to Piazza Santacroce, a hundred metres further on, to find the hotel Santacroce.

Take bus no. 13. The bus heads towards the Arno River (Northbound) and crosses the river at the Solferino bridge. It then turns onto the right and runs along the riverside until it turns left, away from the river, to Via del Borghetto. You must get off at the 2nd bus stop of Via del Borghetto (called “Borghetto 2”) and then walk a few metres ahead to the junction of Via del Borghetto with Via San Michele degli Scalzi. At the junction, take to the right and walk straight on along Via San Michele degli Scalzi to Piazza Santacroce, a hundred metres further on, to find the hotel Santacroce.

From the railway station, stazione Pisa Centrale, to Residence Domus using city buses:
Take bus no. 5. The bus runs through the City centre towards the Arno River (Eastbound). Before crossing the bridge the bus turns left along the riverside Lungarno Galilei. You must get off at the “Galilei 1” stop that is the 4th stop after departing from the Stazione Pisa Centrale. In front of the bus stop you will see two little streets: the first one is Via Giovanni Bovio and the second one is Via La Tinta. Just cross the road and continue straight on along Via La Tinta, where the Residence Domus is located.

From the railway station, stazione Pisa Centrale, to CRM Ennio de Giorgi using city buses:
Take the LAM VERDE bus. It heads toward the Arno River and cross the river at the Solferino bridge. It then turns onto the right and runs along the river. You must get off at the second stop after the bridge (bus stop named “Pacinotti 2”), then go to the street called Via Curtatone e Montanara just across the street, and take this street North, away from the river. The street leads directly to Piazza dei Cavalieri where the Centro De Giorgi is located. The Centro is about 300 meters from the river.

By taxi
The phone number for the radio taxi service is +39 050 541600.  A radio taxi stop is right in front of the airport main entrance. Online booking is available from here. The trip from the airport to the Hotel Santacroce, or Residence Domus or Centro De Giorgi  costs about EUR 10/15.

To find specific addresses you can use: Tuttocittà or Google.

Accommodation and meals

Speakers and participants will be accommodated either at the Hotel Santacroce in Fossabanda or in Residence Domus.  The letter of invitation will indicate in which hotel you will be staying during the conference. Speakers will be accommodated in single rooms and participants in twin tooms.

To walk from the Conference center to Hotel Santacroce:
The distance between the hotel Santacroce and the conference center  is 1.6 km, about 20 mn by foot. The map showing the itinerary is available here (flag red to flag green).  To go from Piazza dei Cavalieri to the Hotel Santacroce, please follow these instructions: From Piazza dei Cavalieri take Via Ulisse Dini -on the right-hand side of the Church- and at the end of the road turn right to Borgo Stretto. Then continue straight on to the bridge Ponte di Mezzo and, before the bridge, turn left and walk along the Lungarno Mediceo (the riverside) for about 700 metres (please see map A). Pass the bridge Ponte della Fortezza (do not cross it), then walk along the Lungarno Bruno Buozzi until you reach Piazza Federico del Rosso, then take to the right in Via del Borghetto (please see map B). After about 300 metres, turn right again into Via San Michele degli Scalzi and after 100 metres you will see Piazza Santa Croce (please see map C).

To walk from Residence Domus to the Conference center:
When going out of the Residence Domus, please take to the right and walk to the river, turn left and walk along Lungarno Galilei until you reach the main bridge called "Ponte di Mezzo". Cross the bridge and continue straight ahead along Borgo Stretto under the porches. At the end of the porches turn left in Via Ulisse Dini and after fifty metres turn left again in Piazza del Castelletto. The Conference hall is located inside the pink building that is opposite the Science Section of the Library of the Scuola Normale Superiore.

All participants
can take their meals, lunch and dinner, at the cafeteria of the Scuola Normale. Drinks are included (wine, beer and water). Times for lunch and dinner are as shown in the conference final programme. Each participant will receive a card upon registration at the conference secretarial desk. This card will have a reference number to have access to the cafeteria. Meals included in the conference package are from dinner on 2 July till dinner on 7 July. 

Coffee breaks will be served in the little courtyard of the main conference hall, Aula Dini.

The conference dinner will take place in the Hotel Santacroce in Fossabanda.

If participants wish to go from Residence Domus to Hotel Fossabanda, please follow these instructions:
You can walk down Via La Tinta away from the river and take to the left along Via Antonio Ceci. Pass Piazza Giuseppe Toniolo, and continue along the left-hand side of the roundabout. Then turn left into Via Giuliano Da Sangallo. Cross the street and take the LAM BLU (LAM blue) bus Eastbound. Get off at the next bus stop in Via Matteotti, called “Matteotti 3”. Walk a few metres ahead to the crossroads of Via Matteotti with Via San Michele degli Scalzi. At the crossroads take to the left and walk straight on along Via San Michele degli Scalzi to Piazza Santacroce, a hundred metres further on.
If you prefer to walk all the way, please see the map with the complete itinerary by foot.

Conference Facilities

Conference Room
The conference room is called Aula Dini and is located in the Palazzo del Castelletto, the Scuola Normale administation's main building and is about 200m from the Center Ennio De Giorgi. Please see here to see the location of the conference room. The conference room has 150 seats.

The Aula Dini conference room is equiped with dataprojector, blackboard, slide projector, microphones. However, Speakers and participants making an oral presentation (invited lecture and/or short talk) are kindly requested to bring their presentation on a memory stick or optionally on their own laptop.

Short talks
Accepted short talks are listed on the conference webpage.

All poster are accepted and the list is available on the conference website.

The poster session will take place at the Hotel Fossabanda. Posters can stay there during the whole conference. Posters can be fixed with self-adhesive tape onto double-sided poster panels (100 cm wide x 140 cm high).  Use letters and drawings that can be read from approximately 100 cm distance.

Wi-fi connections

There is free wi-fi in the Conference room and in the Centro De Giorgi.  Participants will receive detailed instructions on how they can connect to wi-fi (provided that they have a mobile phone) upon registration at the ESF/CRM desk.

Hotels Services

Hotel Fossabanda:

Wi-fi connection is available in the entire hotel and is a paying service.

Free car park (reservation is not needed)
Business centre
Bicycle rental
Shuttle service (paying service)

Check in
From 14h00 onwards

Check out
01h00 - 11h00

Means of payment
The hotel accepts all major credit cards.

Residence Domus:
You receive the flat the day you arrive, from 9.00 to 13.00 by taking the keys in the Reception office. The reception is not opened all day; therefore, it is advised to call in case you arrive at a time that does not coincide with the time it is opened to the public.

Opening hours of the reception:
Monday-Friday : 9.30 - 13.30 and 18.00-20.00.

Practical Information

Telephone calls
Italian telephone numbers consist of an area code and a number. The local code always starts with a ‘0’. When dialing an Italian number within Italy you must always dial the area code. When calling from outside Italy, dial the country code (+39), followed by the area code (without dropping the 0) and the number.

Emergency numbers
Polizia: 113
Carabinieri: 112
Fire Department: 115
Medical Rescue: 118

Electricity supply: 220V, 50Hz
Time: GMT/UTC plus one hour
Weights and Measures: metric
Currency: Euro (EUR)

Italian plugs can be of two types: the standard European two-round pin type or the three-round pin type. In the special Italian three pin plug the grounding hole does not work with other systems. Adapters available upon request at the reception.

Arrival, On-Site Registration & Conference Secretariat

Upon arrival, participants should register with the ESF and CRM Conference Officers, sign the attendance list, collect their name badges and their conference package, including all the information needed for the conference. On arrival day, the conference secretariat will be located in Hotel Santacroce  in Fossabanda, opposite the main entrance of the hotel.

During the conference, the conference secretariat will be located in the meeting room of the CRM. A photocopy machine is available there as well as some computers, which can be used by the participants during their free time.

The conference officers will be present for the duration of the conference, taking care of the administrative aspects and the day-to-day running of the conference: registration, issuing certificates and receipts, collection travel tickets, etc.

The conference officers will be at the registration desk half an hour each morning before the meeting starts, during coffee breaks, and before and after each afternoon session.

Registration and Payment

All speakers and participants should confirm their attendance by filling in an online registration form accessible from the conference website.  

Conference fees must be paid by credit card (Visa, Mastercard and Eurocard) via the online registration form by the registration deadline. A 75 EUR supplement is added if full payment has not been received by the registration deadline.

Payments by bank transfer are accepted only in exceptional circumstances and will be subject to a 15 EUR supplement. Contact the Conference Officer for details.

Payments by cash and cheque are not accepted.

Cancellation and Refunds

Should you need to cancel your participation, please contact the Conference Officer immediately. If notice of cancellation is received more than two weeks before the conference, all but EUR 100 will be reimbursed. No refund is possible if notice of cancellation is received less than two weeks before the conference.

Extra Expenses

Any expenses not covered by the conference fee (additional nights, beverages, telephone calls, accommodation for paying participants, etc.) must be paid directly to the conference venue during your stay.

Board & lodging for accompanying guests (in double room with conferee) must be booked with the conference secretary and paid directly to the venue. Please collect applicable guest fees directly from the venue.

Accompanying guests are not entitled to take part in any of the actual conference activities (attend talks in the conference room, coffee breaks, etc.). Conference facilities, such as access to the internet, are destined for the sole use of conferees.

Travel Contributions

All reimbursements will be made by post-conference bank transfers. If you have been granted a travel contribution, please provide your bank account details – including IBAN and BIC/SWIFT numbers – in the online registration form.

Photocopies of travel tickets must be returned to the ESF Research Conferences Unit within a maximum of one month after the conference. No reimbursement can otherwise be guaranteed.  

Itinerary, price and currency must clearly feature on any ticket. Where no price is indicated on the ticket, the corresponding invoice must be enclosed.

Travel costs may not be higher than:

  • cheapest economy class air fare
  • OR second class train fare
  • OR bus fare from the participant’s place of work to the place of the event or may be the actual cost of travel, whichever is the lower.  

The following may NOT be considered as allowable travel costs and therefore may NOT be presented when claiming the travel contribution:

  • taxi fares (in exceptional cases, taxi fares may be reimbursed)
  • local travel in the city or locality of the event
  • costs of health, life and luggage insurance.  

Use of a private/rented car is covered either on the basis of a 2nd class return train fare documented by a certified travel agent, or on actual mileage according to the ESF coefficient applicable at the time of travel.

Passport and Visa Requirements

Please check your passport and visa requirements with your travel agent BEFORE departure. If you need help to obtain your visa, please contact the ESF conference officer.

More information about visa can also be obtained here.


The European Science Foundation (ESF) does NOT provide insurance and do not take any responsibility for accidents or illnesses that might occur during the week or in the course of travel to or from the meeting place. It is therefore the responsibility of participants to check their health insurance requirements.

Practical Information about Pisa

Information about Pisa is available on the official website of the Town of Pisa.  Here is a map of Pisa.

Pisa is quite small, please note that to go on foot from the railway station to the Leaning Tower it takes only about 25-30 minutes.