2007 Call for Proposals - Submission details and procedure

for workshops to be held in 2008, across all scientific domains

Contents of proposal

There is no application form for the proposal itself (but an on-line submission form, see section below). Applicants should carefully read the following guidelines and comply with the requirements. The proposal should be precise in terms of scientific objectives, organisation and budget, and should clearly describe the activities to be financed by the workshop award.

Proposals must be in English and provide the following information:

  • Workshop title
  • Proposed dates and location of the workshop
  • Name and full coordinates of applicant(s)
  • Keywords relating to the proposed workshop topic (up to 5)
    (one “keyword” can be a string of not more than 3 words)
  • Abstract of the proposed workshop topic (50-70 words)
  • The case for an exploratory workshop (2-4 pages)
    Explain the exploratory, innovative character of the proposed topic and its potential impact on new developments in science, as well as its scientific background and rationale. If interdisciplinary, describe in what way. Provide a clear justification of the need for European-scale collaboration. Outline the expected benefits and outcomes of the workshop, including possible future collaborative research activities.
  • Preliminary workshop programme
    Indicate the science topics and how discussion is to be structured.
  • List of proposed participants (selected on the basis of their scientific excellence, potential contribution and reflecting a European dimension).
    Provide a list of the researchers likely to be involved in the exploratory workshop, indicating their affiliation as well as a few keywords relating to their specific expertise. The aim should be to have wide participation from across Europe, with due regard to age, gender and geographical balance. Priority should be given to scientists based in ESF Member Organisation countries. A limited number of participants based outside countries with ESF membership may be included in the workshop where such involvement is essential on scientific grounds. The involvement of younger, independent researchers or scholars is encouraged. The maximum number of participants is 30 (including convenors, speakers, participants - irrelevant of the source of funding). Participants should be listed by country (no more than 5 participants from the convenor’s own country).
    See the FAQ page for further details on some points.
  • Estimated budget (ESF support up to a maximum of 15 000 €)
    Indicate (in Euros) the breakdown for travel, accommodation, meals and any other expenses, in compliance with the ESF exploratory workshop Budget Guidelines. Indicate, if applicable, any financial support awarded or foreseen from sources other than the ESF. Any request for funding for participants based outside countries with ESF membership (maximum 2-3 participants) must be justified on scientific grounds.
  • Brief curriculum vitae of the principal applicant(s)
    Maximum 3 pages each. Include references of the 5 most relevant publications of the last 5 years.

Submission format

  • Applications (including CV) should be prepared as 1 document only in Word, rtf or pdf format.

  • All margins should be at least 3 cm and headers and footers not less than 2 cm.

  • Font size must be no smaller than 10.

Submission procedure

  • Proposals should be submitted on-line (see below).

  • First submissions will be considered final (no revisions accepted).

Before uploading the single file containing your proposal, you will be asked to complete the information listed below in an on-line form. Therefore, before starting, please ensure that you have all details available.

  • Acronym(s) of the Standing Committee(s) into whose domain(s) your proposal falls and which will therefore probably handle its assessment (see list under "Contacts and Further Information"). If the proposal focuses on Research Infrastructures, please also specify "RI" in the on-line form.

  • Details of 3 international experts who could referee this proposal, providing the following information for each person:
    a) specific area(s) of expertise and related keywords
    b) full contact details (email is required), including personal web-page if available.
    The ESF may approach 1 of these suggested experts.
    Proposed participants in a workshop as well as Standing Committee members should not be listed as potential referees.

  • Optional (and in strict confidence): Names and affiliations of persons not to be asked to referee the proposal, in particular due to a "conflict of interest*".
    * An interest may be defined as where a person may benefit either professionally or personally by the success, or failure, of a proposal.

  • In addition, the following details - already included in the proposal file - will be requested again in the on-line form:

    • Workshop title

    • Proposed dates and location of the workshop

    • Name and full coordinates of applicant(s)

    • Keywords relating to the proposed workshop topic (one “keyword” can be a string of not more than 3 words)

    • Abstract of the proposed workshop topic (50-70 words)

    • Summary of estimated budget and award requested

The deadline for submitting proposals is 27 April 2007, 16:00 (CET).

On-line Submission Form

  • Complete overview of the on-line submission form for information purposes (PDF 1.4 MB)
    Note: The purpose of the on-line form is to permit automatic insertion in our database; the form is therefore not available in .doc format or on paper.

Contacts and further information
(List of Standing Committee acronyms, areas covered by each of them)