1st Working Group Meeting on Research Careers development

The 1st Working Group meeting of the ESF MO Forum European Alliance on Research Career Development took place on 12 and 13 April 2011 in Istanbul. It was hosted by Tübitak .

Presentations and Additional materials

Objectives of the Meeting:

  • To progress on each Forum Working Group Action Plans
  • To report to the Eurohorcs Assembly

Day 1 -  12 April

Welcome by Recep Tugrul Ozdemir , TUBITAK (Turkey)
Introduction and overview of the meeting objectives by Laura Marin, ESF
Overview of the Forum’s Working Groups action plans and update on latest developments with different stakeholders by Beate Scholz

Breakout by Working Groups
Session Moderated by co-chairs
Working Group 1 Taxonomy
Working Group 2 Skills
Working Group 3 Mobility

Day 2 -  13 April

Welcome and introduction by Nuket Yetis, TUBITAK (Turkey) and Marja Makarow, ESF

Plenary: Report back from each Working Groups (Co-Chairs Reports & Discussion)
Work Plan

Development of the Forum Report and Presentation to the Eurohorcs Assembly, moderated by Beate Scholz

Conclusions & next steps