1st Workshop of the ESF MO Forum on European Alliance on Research Career Development

The 1st Workshop of the ESF MO Forum European Alliance on Research Career Development took place on 9 and 10 February 2011 in Brussels. It was hosted by Tübitak at the Fondation Universitaire.

Presentations and Additional Materials

Objectives of the Meeting

• To define the aim of the Forum
• To define the tasks and the timeline of the Forum

Day 1
Welcome and Introduction
By Nuket Yetis, TUBITAK (Turkey) and Marja Makarow, ESF
PDFPresentation of the ESF MO Fora Instrument
By Laura Marin, ESF
PDFGeneral overview on the Forum’s objectives and former Forum report
By Beate Scholz
Towards an European taxonomy:
PDFBy Katrin Maes, LERU on “Careers Maps”
By Peter Van Der Hijden, DG Research on “The idea of a European Framework for Research Career -  EU initiatives on researchers in the context of EU2020, Innovation Union and ERA “
PDFEqual playing fields and guidelines for peer review
By Farzam Ranjbaran, ESF (Rapporteur Peer Review Forum)
The European scientific visa, a mapping exercise
PDFBy Nuket Yetis, TUBITAK (Turkey)
PDFAnd by Philippe de Bruycker, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) on the scientific visa directive



A collective joint statement on transferable skills
By Iain Cameron, RCUK (United Kingdom) and by Janet Metcalfe , VITAE (United Kingdom)
Day 2
Breakout Groups