The First Workshop of the ESF Member Organisation Forum on Peer Review took place 10-11 March 2008 in The Hague. It was hosted by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.
Plenary session 1: Setting the scene
Peer Review and the quality of European Research, Raimo Väyrynen, Chair of the ESF Science Advisory Board | |
Resume of the international conference 'Peer review - its present and future state (Prague 2006), Josef Syka, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic | |
MO Forum on Peer Review - aims and activities, Patricia Vogel, NWO, the Netherlands |
| Research grants peer review ten years on - what's new and what is déjà vu? Fiona Wood, University of New England, Australia |
Plenary session 2: Peer Review standards accross borders and cultures
ISO 9001 accreditation of peer review within EPSRC, Douglas Niven, EPSRC, United Kingdom | |
Challenges and Opportunities Facing Peer-Reveiw: A Vision for Ensuring its Strategic National Value, Toni Scarpa, National Institutes of Health, USA |
| Peer Review in the first transnational call of Nano Science ERA NET, Paul Schuddeboom, Nano Science ERA NET |
Monitoring the quality of peer reveiw in FP7 trough surveys, observer feedback, and the new redress procedures: results and lessons learned, Alan Cross, European Commission | |
An integrated management approach to guide peer review at the FNR, Frank Bingen, FNR, Luxembourg | |
Training for referees and panel chairs, Anna Ledin, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, Sweden |
Plenary session 3: Reviewing specific types of proposals: interdisciplinary and breakthrough research; networking & collaborative activities; and investments in research infrastructure
Reviewing breakthrough, high-risk and interdisciplinary research proposals, Riitta Mustonen, Academy of Finland, Finland | |
Can the three-dimensional evaluation method be aligned for potential standardisation - the case with networking and infrastructure projects, Ozlem Ekici, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Turkey | |
Reviewing network proposals, Erik Arnold, Technopolis Ltd. | |
ERA-instruments: activities and peer review of infrastructure projects, Cas Maessen, NWO, the Netherlands |
Plenary session 4 A and B: International Peer Review and the sharing of resources at the European level
Session 4 - A - International review panels and referee colleges
Perspectives of European collaboration in Peer Review, John Marks, European Science Foundation |
International peer review: the EUROCORES HumVIB Programme, Brian Francis, Lancaster University | |
HERA ERANET: European Peer Review college in the Humanities, John Caughie, AHRC, United Kingdom | |
Experiences of the First ERC call, Ben Tubbing, European Commission |
The Development of International Peer Review in Central Europe, Elod Nemerkenyi, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Hungary |
Session 4 - B: The sharing of resources at the European level
ANEP-ESF benchmarking project, Victoria Ley Vega de Soane, Ministry of Science and Education |
Use of information tools for evaluation of research activities - the case of Slovenian Research Agency, Tomaz Boh, Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenia | |
ESF Peer Review Support and the Pool of Reviewers, Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman & Valérie Allspach-Kiechel, European Science Foundation |
Session 5: Developing an action plan for the European Peer Review
Session 6: Summary and conclusions