Peer Review Workshop in The Hague

1st Workshop of the ESF MO Forum, The Hague, 10-11 March 2008

The First Workshop of the ESF Member Organisation Forum on Peer Review took place 10-11 March 2008 in The Hague. It was hosted by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.


Presentations and Additional Materials

Plenary session 1: Setting the scene


Peer Review and the quality of European Research, Raimo Väyrynen, Chair of the ESF Science Advisory Board


Resume of the international conference 'Peer review - its present and future state (Prague 2006), Josef Syka, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic


MO Forum on Peer Review - aims and activities, Patricia Vogel, NWO, the Netherlands



Research grants peer review ten years on - what's new and what is déjà vu? Fiona Wood, University of New England, Australia

Plenary session 2: Peer Review standards accross borders and cultures 


ISO 9001 accreditation of peer review within EPSRC, Douglas Niven, EPSRC, United Kingdom

Challenges and Opportunities Facing Peer-Reveiw: A Vision for Ensuring its Strategic National Value, Toni Scarpa, National Institutes of Health, USA



Peer Review in the first transnational call of Nano Science ERA NET, Paul Schuddeboom, Nano Science ERA NET


Monitoring the quality of peer reveiw in FP7 trough surveys, observer feedback, and the new redress procedures: results and lessons learned, Alan Cross, European Commission


An integrated management approach to guide peer review at the FNR, Frank Bingen, FNR, Luxembourg


Training for referees and panel chairs, Anna Ledin, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, Sweden

Plenary session 3: Reviewing specific types of proposals: interdisciplinary and breakthrough research; networking & collaborative activities; and investments in research infrastructure 


Reviewing breakthrough, high-risk and interdisciplinary research proposals, Riitta Mustonen, Academy of Finland, Finland


Can the three-dimensional evaluation method be aligned for potential standardisation - the case with networking and infrastructure projects, Ozlem Ekici, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Turkey

Reviewing network proposals, Erik Arnold, Technopolis Ltd.


ERA-instruments: activities and peer review of infrastructure projects, Cas Maessen, NWO, the Netherlands

Plenary session 4 A and B: International Peer Review and the sharing of resources at the European level

   Session 4 - A - International review panels and referee colleges



Perspectives of European collaboration in Peer Review, John Marks, European Science Foundation



International peer review: the EUROCORES HumVIB Programme, Brian Francis, Lancaster University


HERA ERANET: European Peer Review college in the Humanities, John Caughie, AHRC, United Kingdom


Experiences of the First ERC call, Ben Tubbing, European Commission



The Development of International Peer Review in Central Europe, Elod Nemerkenyi, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Hungary

Session 4 - B: The sharing of resources at the European level



ANEP-ESF benchmarking project, Victoria Ley Vega de Soane, Ministry of Science and Education



Use of information tools for evaluation of research activities - the case of Slovenian Research Agency, Tomaz Boh, Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenia


ESF Peer Review Support and the Pool of Reviewers, Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman & Valérie Allspach-Kiechel, European Science Foundation

Session 5: Developing an action plan for the European Peer Review

Session 6: Summary and conclusions