3rd Workhop of the ESF MO Forum on Science in Society

Dublin, 12-13 May 2011

The third workshop of the ESF Member Organisation Forum on Science in Society Relationships was held in Dublin on 12 and 13 May 2011. It was hosted by the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Health Research Board Ireland (HRBI).


Open and Welcome by Hosts: Stephen Simpson (SFI) & Patricia Clarke (HRB)
Setting the scene of the workshop. By Laura Marin, ESF



Introduction to the Forum’s Final Policy Recommendations: context and rationale by Jean-Pierre Alix, CNRS
PDFResponsible Innovation and Newly Emerging Science and Technology by Arie Rip, University Twente
PDFCommunications Network: challenges ahead by David Redeker, NWO
PDFPublic engagement in Ireland by Padraig Murphy, Dublin City University
PDFThe Irish Scientist’s Experience by Kevin Mitchell, Trinity College Dublin
PDFWG1: Capacity Building
PDFWG3: Good Practices & WG4: Ideas and Pitfalls in Audiences



Future perspectives, next steps and final conclusions - Debate