Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution (GEODE)



This programme aims to build a quantitative understanding of the geological processes on all scales that lead to the formation of world class ore deposits, particularly in their timing and location. The research programme will take an holistic approach that will bring together geodynamics and ore genesis. It is built upon five projects, each relating to metallogenic provinces in Europe which contain world class ore deposits; the Alpine-Carpathian Chain, the Iberian Pyrite Belt (plus Massif Central), basin hosted deposits (Irish base metal and Polish Kupferschiefer), and the Urals and the Fennoscandian Shield Precambrian (including Greenland and Ukraine) mineral provinces. This new research will contribute to the Search for new ore deposits and to optimising the sustainable production of known deposits. More


Five years, from 1 April 1998 to 31 March 2003.