Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution (GEODE)

More about the Programme

This is built upon five projects, each relating to metallogenic provinces in Europe which contain world class ore deposits. These may be supported by projects in South America and the SW Pacific region specifically aimed at providing insights that can be applied to give a better understanding of ore deposit types in Europe. The programme divides into studies of metallogenic provinces in orogenic systems active at the present day and studies of metallogenic provinces from the geological past. Only with modern systems is it reasonable to relate the mineralising processes to the present day large scale structure and properties of the lithosphere which are determined from the geophysical information, although the lithosphere structure of the Urals orogen does appear to have been preserved since the time it was active. The Minerals Industry Research Organisation (MIRO) has offered to help in setting up a database of world class ore deposits in Europe to underpin the research. GEODE is particularly timely because it can take advantage of the major new findings about geodynamic processes in the Alps and Carpathian Arc, the Urals, SW Iberia and the Fennoscandian Shield coming from the ESF Europrobe programme. GEODE wants to build closer collaboration amongst scientists across a wide range of disciplines from research institutions, geological surveys and the mining industry and focus their attention upon the nature and genesis of world class ore deposits. Consequently, GEODE will be holding a series of workshops and symposia to create dialogue and to develop a research programme.

Project Working Groups have been set up to define the scientific problems on which to focus in each of the five projects and to initiate the scientific activities needed to address them. The working groups will report progress to the next Scientific Steering Committee meeting to be held near Grenoble on 28th October 2002. The five projects are:

Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian Dinaride Chain mineral province
Co-ordinators: Professor Franz Neubauer and Professor Christoph Heinrich

Ore deposits and geodynamics of the southwestern Variscides (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Massif Central, NW Iberia)
Co-ordinator: Dr. Fernando Tornos, assisted by Dr. Patrick Ledru

Basin hosted deposits (Pb-Zn and Kupferschiefer Cu deposits)
Co-ordinator: Professor Dr. Philippe Muchez

Urals mineral province
Co-ordinator: Dr. Richard Herrington

Fennoscandian Shield Precambrian (including Greenland and Ukraine) mineral province
Co-ordinator: Dr. Pår Weihed

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News / Current Status

This programme was approved by the ESF to start operations in April 1998 for a duration of five years. It is supported by Member Organisations from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland.

Workshops and Symposia

GEODE Homepage at Royal Holloway, London Go to Website

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