Groundwater Pollution (GPoll)

Travel Grants

Groundwater is a crucial resource for drinking water in many countries. Results of recent research have substantially improved our understanding of how aquifer properties and physical, chemical, and microbiological processes affect its quantity and quality. Nevertheless, many basic and applied problems are still poorly understood calling for continued and dedicated research efforts. It is the perspective of the conference to address new research efforts in relation to the governing of physical and reactive processes in natural and contaminated aquifers as well as measures for groundwater protection and technologies for passive and active remediation. It is the primary aim of the conference to create an interdisciplinary forum for presentation and exchange of the most recent advances in groundwater research with a maintained focus on selected key issues.

The ESF scientific programme on "Groundwater Pollution (GPoll)" is supporting the Groundwater 2000 meeting Go to Website which will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 6-8 June 2000, via funding of 9 invited speakers and 6-10 travel grants for PhD students.

GPoll invites applications for travel grants to Groundwater 2000. The grants are open for PhD students from the countries financially supported by the GPoll programme (Belgium, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). It will cover cost for registration, travel and accommodation and a daily meal allowance. Travel will be refunded on the basis of APEX type airfares (including extra nights to fulfil APEX requirements) or 2nd class train travel for shorter distances.

The main aim of the GPoll programme is to initiate and promote European, interdisciplinary cooperation in research on pollution of groundwater. It focuses on pollution in groundwater systems because of its significance for human and environmental health. Emphasis is placed on four major activities:

  1. Analysis and detection
  2. Physical transport
  3. Chemical transformation and immobilisation
  4. Biotransformation

See Prospective Terrestrial Environment and Groundwater Pollution Research Conference (PDF 439 KB)
Proceedings of the GPoll Workshop held in Göteborg, 15-18 November 1998.


Applications (maximum 2 pages) must include the following information (no special forms are necessary):

  1. Applicant’s title, name, postal address, telephone/fax numbers, email address.
  2. Date and duration of the travel.
  3. Short CV and bibliography of applicant.
  4. A description (maximum 1 page) of how the participation in the conference will be valuable for the applicant’s PhD training, clearly indicating:
  5. scientific motivation and justification;
  6. relevance to GPoll activities (specifying which of the above topics are dealt with);
  7. title and abstract if a presentation is to be given (not a requirement)
  8. An estimate of travel expenses from a certified travel agent.
  9. A letter of reference from the person responsible for the applicant’s PhD training, e.g. supervisor, etc.

Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

The deadline for applications for travel grants was 15 January 2000.

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Exchange Grants

The ESF Scientific Programme "Groundwater Pollution (GPoll)" is offering a number of Exchange Grants to scientists wishing to initiate or to further develop a collaborative project related to GPoll Activities.

The main aim of the GPoll programme is to initiate and promote European, multi-disciplinary cooperation in research on pollution of groundwater. It focuses on pollution in groundwater systems because of their significance for human and environmental health. Emphasis is placed on four major activities:

a. Analysis and detection
b. Physical transport
c. Chemical transformation and immobilisation
d. Biotransformation

See Prospective Terrestrial Environment and Groundwater Pollution Research Conference (PDF 439 KB)
Proceedings of the GPoll Workshop held in Göteborg, 15-18 November 1998.

All collaborative projects related to the GPoll activities listed above will be taken into consideration. Priority will be given however to projects involving collaboration between different disciplines.

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Criteria for Eligibility

GPoll Exchange Grants are intended to initiate or strengthen links between different research groups.

a. Duration:       
(i) up to one month - for learning new techniques or methodologies;        
(ii) 2-6 months - for collaborative research projects.

b. GPoll Exchange Grants are primarily intended for young scientists.
Applications from more senior scientists with permanent positions are, however, accepted (no formal limitation will apply). Grants will not be awarded to provide full salaries for postdoctoral fellows, nor to fund work of an applicant at an institute to which he or she is already affiliated.

c. Candidates must be currently working in a European laboratory and applying for a stay in a different European country (justified visits to non-European countries may be taken into consideration).

d. At least one of the institutes involved must be located in a country supporting the programme (to date: Belgium, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom).

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Application Procedure

Applications (maximum 4 pages) must include the following information (no special forms are necessary):

a. Applicant’s title, name, postal address, telephone/fax numbers, email address.
b. Name and address of prospective host, telephone/fax numbers, email address.
c. Date and duration of the proposed visit.
d. Short CV and bibliography of applicant.
e. A letter of support from the prospective host (may be sent separately) in which it is stated that space and funding for consumables and other expenses will be made available for the applicant in the host laboratory.
f. An estimate of travel expenses from a certified travel agent.
g. The title and an abstract of the project (max. 100 words for Short visits (up to one month); max. 200 words for Collaborative research projects (2-6 months).
h. A description of the planned visit or collaborative research project clearly indicating:        

i. scientific motivation and justification;        
ii. relevance to GPoll activities (specifying the topic(s) dealt with);        
iii. expected benefits or results and nature of agreed collaboration

Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

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Monthly allowances will vary from  8 000 FF (1 220 EUR) to 9 000 FF (1 375 EUR) per month depending on the destination + a maximum contribution of 3 000 FF (460 EUR) towards travel (possibly increased in exceptional cases). Travel will be refunded on the basis of APEX type airfares or 2nd class train travel for shorter distances.

Grantees will be expected to provide a written report at the end of their visit. Travel costs and 75% of the grant allowance will be payable one month in advance; the remaining 25% will be paid one month after the exchange visit, subject to receipt of the grantee’s written report and original travel tickets.

The final deadline for applications was 1 May 2001.  

The outcome of the selection will be known by the end of June 2001. Please note that grants awarded should be taken up by 31 December 2001 at the latest.

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