Optimality in Bird Migration



Migration is not an unitary character rather there is much variation in migratory life-history traits and migratory performances. Migration varies among species, among populations, among age groups and among sexes, and may even vary intraindividually. Differences occur with respect to distances migrant birds travel, the routes they follow, the timing of departure and arrival, and the behaviour during the move. The causes, adaptive significance and consequences of this variation are, however, largely unexplored.

A more detailed knowledge of the variation of migration and its mechanisms and regulatory processes is crucial for understanding the role of migration within the complete life cycle of a migrating species and for understanding how natural selection is acting to mold migratory life-histories, and for elucidating the evolution of those life-histories. More

More information about BIRD activities is also available on the BIRD web site 


5 years, from 2000 to 2004.