Optimality in Bird Migration


Travel Grants

Travel grants were offered by the BIRD Programme for visits lasting from one week up to six months (in exceptional cases, up to 12 months), to stimulate co-operation between research groups in different European countries. Priority will be given to younger researchers (eg PhD, post-docs) but applications from senior researchers will also be considered. Applications should involve an institute (either as institute of origin or as receiving institute) from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Israel.

Duration: normally between one week and six months. In exceptional circumstances, applications of up to 12 months could be considered.  All visits must be completed by 1 March 2005.

Deadline for applications: The final deadline for applications was 31 March 2004, for visits beginning after 1 July. Only complete applications will be considered.

Support: for visits of up to two weeks, travel costs on the basis of actual costs up to a maximum of 500 EUR and a per diem allowance of 85 EUR. For visits of more than one month, travel on the basis of actual costs up to a maximum of 500 EUR, and a subsistence allowance to cover accommodation and living costs of 1600 EUR.

Criteria: in addition to the scientific quality of the application, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  • the application should be to undertake work pertinent to the BIRD Programme
  • the visit should be to an institute in a European country other than the country of origin
  • the applicant should return to the institute of origin so that the institute may also benefit from her/his broadened knowledge
  • applications should involve at least one institute in a country where the research agencies contribute to the BIRD Programme budget (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Israel)
  • priority will be given to younger scientists, although applications from more senior researchers will also be considered

A list of grants awarded to date is available here.

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