Plant Adaptation



As part of the Programme’s activities, grants for short visits for doctoral students and for visits for post-doctoral fellows are being offered to enable scientists working in the field of plant adaptation to travel to a laboratory in another European country.

Grants Awarded

Conditions of Eligibility

To be considered for a grant a candidate has to:

  • undertake work applicable to the Programme;
  • apply for a stay in a laboratory in a European country other than the country of origin. Priority will be given to applications in which one or both of the laboratories are located in a country participating in the Programme (see list above);
  • young scientists without a PhD may apply for visits of one to six months;
  • postdoctoral fellows may apply for visits up to a year;
  • priority is given to first time applicants and to first time host laboratories.

All applications must be supported by a letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the candidate's work and a letter of acceptance from the collaborator/supervisor at the receiving institute. The letter of acceptance should state that space and funding for consumables and other expenses will be made available for the applicant in the host laboratory, outline the advantages of the host laboratory and list the three most important publications of the prospective collaborator/supervisor (1 page). Applications will be assessed on the scientific quality of the project, its interdisciplinarity, the applicant's list of publications, and the letters of support. A one page curriculum vitae should be included.

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Practical Details

Grants for short visits for doctoral students: a basic living allowance of up to FF 6000 per month will be granted, and travel costs (on the basis of APEX fares or similar) of normally up to FF 3000 will be covered.

Grants for short visits for postdoctoral fellows: a basic living allowance of up to FF 10000 per month will be granted, and travel costs (on the basis of APEX fares or similar) of normally up to FF 3000 will be covered.

Applicants are requested to provide information on their financial status i.e. whether they will hold a study fellowship and/or receive a salary during the grant period.

75% of the total amount granted is paid in advance upon written request. The final payment will be made after reception at the ESF Secretariat of a short report from the grantee on completion of his/her visit. Original used tickets for travel and, where appropriate, other receipts must also be forwarded to the ESF Secretariat when claiming final payment.

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The final deadline for submission of applications was 1 May 2001.

The outcome of the evaluation procedure will be known by end June 2001.  Please note that grants awarded should be taken up by 31 December 2001 at the latest, and visits should be completed by 30 September 2002 at the latest.

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