Plant Adaptation

More about the Programme

The European Science Foundation (ESF) launched a scientific programme on Plant Adaptation which ran for five years (1997-2001). It was funded by ESF member organisations from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The Chair of the Programme was Outi Savolainen, University of Oulu, Finland.

The goal of the programme was to integrate different approaches to problems related to plant adaptation, e.g. molecular and population biology. Another goal is to strongly promote European collaboration in basic science. Topics to be studied were climatic adaptation, stress conditions, adaptation to the biotic environment, genetic basis of adaptation, genetic nature of quantitative trait loci, understanding and quantifying natural selection, molecular population genetics of adaptation, evolution of adaptations and developmental genetics of adaptations. The programme funded workshops and research visits to laboratories in other countries.


Grant Scheme