Protein Cross-Linking - the ESF Transglutaminases Programme (PCL)


This Programme focused on the subject of structures, functions, and applications of transglutaminases. This class of enzymes is currently relatively unexplored and deserves much greater attention. In particular, little is known about the three-dimensional structures of transglutaminases, and about their enzymatic mechanisms and their roles in signal transduction, apoptosis, and blood coagulation. Clearly, a multidisciplinary approach is needed to better understand this important class of enzymes and to provide a better basis for utilizing its great potential in biotechnological applications. Even in spite of the poor current status of our knowledge on transglutaminases, the interesting protein-crosslinking activities of these enzymes are already being used in food processing and surgery. More


5 years, from mid-2000 to end 2006.
For current status, see News.