Protein Cross-Linking - the ESF Transglutaminases Programme (PCL)

Workshops - Call for Proposals [CLOSED]

The ESF Transglutaminase programme "Protein-Cross-Linking" issued regular call inviting proposals from potential organisers of workshops on topics with a clear connection to the programme.

The main aim of the Protein Cross-Linking programme is to initiate and promote European, interdisciplinary cooperation in research on transglutaminases and protein cross-linking. It focuses on the structures, mechanisms and functions of the transglutaminases. These enzymes catalyse a unique reaction (cross-linking of lysine and glutamine side chains). They are involved in many pathological conditions, such as neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Furthermore, they have great potential for technical applications, some of which already have been realised (food processing, biological glues, substitution therapy in blood coagulation defects). Emphasis is placed on four major scientific topics:

a.  Characterisation of transglutaminases
b.  Identification and characterisation of TGase substrates and inhibitors
c.  Gene regulation and cell biology
d.  Applications of transglutaminases in biotechnology

Priority was given to workshops taking place in countries that financially supported the Programme: (Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hungary and Italy).