Response of the Earth System to Impact Processes (IMPACT)


Response of the Earth System to Impact Processes:
A Scientific Programme of the European Science Foundation

Seed / Exchange grants - Scientific program : Impact processes
Call for applications.

The ESF scientific program "Response of the Earth System to Impact Processes" is offering a limited number of seed or exchange grants to develop collaborative projects among European scientists in the field of impact research. The aim of these grants is to initiate longer-term research projects, encourage scientific exchanges, promote international and multidisciplinary collaborations, and to build strong ties between European institutions working on impact processes and their influence on the geological and biological evolution of the Earth.

Criteria for eligibility

Grants within the framework of the ESF IMPACT program are designed to initiate or to strengthen collaborations between European institutions. Grants cannot be used to provide salaries or to fund work of the applicant within his/her own country. Grants are meant to provide a contribution towards travel and living expenses of the applicant when working in another European country. Minor research cost can be covered. The grants can also be used to support field work in countries other than the home country (but within Europe). Applicants from countries whcih directly contribute to the IMPACT program are given priority. Short term projects involving collaboration between several disciplines are preferred.

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  1. Awards are generally in the range of 3000 to 6000 FF, in exceptional cases larger sums can be given to support a project of high quality or of special interest to the European impact community.
  2. ESF IMPACT program seed grants are primarily intended for young scientists, graduate students, or postdocs. Established researchers can apply, but must document that they do not have access to any other form of funding for this particular project.
  3. Applicant must be working in an European laboratory and applying for a stay in another European country. At least one institution must be located in a country supporting the ESF impact program.
  4. All projects submitted will be evaluated by the IMPACT grant committee (Program Chair, Secretary and one SC member ?), and submitted to peer review. The reviewer will be from a country not related to the application. Grants can be submitted twice a year on November 1st and May 1st.. After evaluation the grants will be ranked based on research quality, feasibility and interest to the ESF Impact program, money will be allocated accordingly.
  5. After the project is completed the applicant is expected to provide a written report (max. 3 pages). In addition, presentation of the research results at one of the IMPACT workshops is expected, and publication in the proceedings or another international peer-reviewed journal is strongly encouraged. The ESF IMPACT program is to be acknowledged in resulting publication(s).
  6. Incomplete applications, or applications not in accordance with the procedure given below will not be considered.

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