Measuring and Modelling of Volcano Eruption Dynamics (MeMoVolc)


2014 MeMoVolc Summer School: 'Magmatic volatiles: from generation to atmospheric loading

When? 1 to 5 July 2014
Where? Stóru-Tjarnir (close to Krafla Volcano), Iceland

The call for participation is now open. Deadline 15 March, 2014.
There are 30 places available. Applications will be assessed by the MeMoVolc Steering Committee. Priorities will be given to PhD students or equivalent, post-docs, and young researchers working on the scientific themes related to the school main topic and coming from ESF contributing member states and particularly from MeMoVolc contributing states and organizations (see for details). Several places will be reserved for participants working in close relationship with volcanic observatories.

The network will cover the cost of travel to and from Iceland up to a maximum of 500 euros. Accommodation and meals for the 6 days of the course will also be covered.

How to apply?
Applicants are requested to submit the following as a single pdf file to Olgeir Sigmarsson ( The deadline for applications is the 15 March. Applicants will receive a decision within a week following this deadline:

•    A short statement to justify their interest in the school
•    A brief (up to 1 page) description of their ongoing research or observatory work
•    A curriculum vitae
•    An abstract on their research related to the summer school theme.
•    A letter of support from a senior colleague (supervisor of PhD student or postdoctoral fellow)



Deadline for submission: 15 January 2014

Submisssion of a Science Meeting

Submission of a Short Visit or an Exchange Grant
Participation in all MeMoVolc activities will be subject to open calls announced on the MeMoVolc web site.  Calls are open to scientists from all ESF member states, but priority will be given to those from the contributing member organisations, or to people collaborating with those organisations.
Priority will also be given to networking activities falling in these categories:
 ■ Pre-eruption precursors and triggers
■ Eruption states and regime transitions (mechanisms and signals)
 ■ Multiparameter measurements on pyroclastic products and inversion techniques
 ■ Multiparameter remote sensing and inversion techniques
 ■ Models of volcano eruption dynamics and their experimental validation
 ■ Importation of research expertise to the volcano observatories