Completed ESF Research Networking Programmes in PEN (formerly PESC)

Title Start Date End Date Affiliation
Chemistry of Metal Ions in Biological Systems (METBIO) (METBIO) 01/01/1991 31/12/1997 PEN (formerly PESC)
Process Integration in Biochemical Engineering (PIBE) (PIBE) 01/01/1992 31/12/1997 PEN (formerly PESC)
Artificial Biosensing Interfaces (ABI) 01/01/1993 31/12/1998 PEN (formerly PESC)
Control of Complex Systems (COSY) 01/01/1995 31/12/1999 PEN (formerly PESC)
Vapour-Phase Synthesis and Processing of Nano-Particle Materials (NANO) 01/01/1995 31/12/1999 PEN (formerly PESC)
Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flow Problems (AMIF) 01/01/1997 31/12/2001 PEN (formerly PESC)
Nanomagnetism and Growth Processes on Vicinal Surfaces (NANOMAG) 01/01/1998 31/12/2001 PEN (formerly PESC)
Molecular Magnets (MM) 01/01/1998 31/12/2002 PEN (formerly PESC)
Fermi-liquid instabilities in correlated metals (FERLIN) 01/01/1998 31/12/2002 PEN (formerly PESC)
Electronic Structure Calculations for Elucidating the Complex Atomistic Behaviours of Solids and Surfaces (STRUC) 01/01/1998 31/12/2002 PEN (formerly PESC)
Probabilistic Methods in Non-Hyperbolic Dynamics (PRODYN) 01/01/1998 31/12/2002 PEN (formerly PESC)
Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Computation (QIT) 01/01/1999 31/12/2003 PEN (formerly PESC)
Interaction of Superintense, Femtosecond Laser Fields with Atoms, Solids, and Plasmas (FEMTO) 01/01/1999 31/12/2003 PEN (formerly PESC)
Challenges in Molecular Simulations: Bridging the Length and Time-scale Gap (SIMU) 01/01/1999 31/12/2003 PEN (formerly PESC)
Structuring Manipulation, Analysis and Reactive Transformation of Nanostructure (SMARTON) 01/01/1999 31/12/2003 PEN (formerly PESC)
Vortex Matter in Superconductors at Extreme Scales and Conditions (VORTEX) 01/01/1999 31/12/2003 PEN (formerly PESC)
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Complex Polymer Structures (SUPERNET) 01/01/1999 31/12/2003 PEN (formerly PESC)
Statistical Physics of Glassy and Non-Equilibrium Systems (SPHINX) 01/01/1999 31/12/2003 PEN (formerly PESC)
Nonlinear Acoustic Techniques for Micro-scale Damage Diagnostics (NATEMIS) 01/01/2000 31/12/2004 PEN (formerly PESC)
Quantum Degenerate Dilute Systems-Bose-Einstein Condensation and Beyond (BEC2000+) (BEC) 01/01/2000 31/12/2003 PEN (formerly PESC)