
10. June 2009

ESF works with Scopus to expand arts and humanities coverage

First citation database to offer access to Arts and Humanities journals from over a thousand different publishers and content providers. [more]

23. December 2008

Muslims embrace performing arts to heal cultural rifts and reach out to their people

The Danish cartoon affair was an important milestone in Europe’s ongoing integration of its fast growing Muslim population. The fallout from this affair, along with other events such as the July 2005 bombings in London, has increased the urgency of achieving a long lasting accommodation between... [more]

19. December 2008

How mirror neurons allow us to learn and socialise by going through the motions in the head

The old adage that we can only learn how to do something by trying it ourselves may have to be revised in the light of recent discoveries in neuroscience. It turns out that humans, primates, some birds, and possibly other higher animals have mirror neurons that fire in the same pattern whether... [more]

18. December 2008

Humanities research key to the future of European policy making

Research and debate at the "European Diversities - European Identities" conference in Strasbourg on October 8-9 has reinforced the importance of humanities research in helping to deliver social policy in the next few years.The fourth annual HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) conference... [more]

7. November 2008

ESF launches “Humans in Outer Space” book - focusing on humans

New book to examine humanity aspects in space explorations  [more]

31. October 2008

Europe seeks consensus over “living wills”

The question whether a common European position on advance directives, or “living wills” is ethically required and practically feasible was discussed at a recent workshop organised by the European Science Foundation (ESF). Just as a conventional will allows people to specify how they would like... [more]

17. October 2008

Podcast: HERA’s Prof. Philip Esler on the 1st European Conference for Collaborative Humanities Research (ECCHR)

Listen to the podcast Dr. Prof. Philip Esler, Chief Executive of the Art and Humanities Research Council and the Chair of the HERA Network Board, speaks about the 4th HERA Annual Conference - “European diversities – European identities” and the 1st European Conference for Collaborative Humanities... [more]

13. October 2008

ESF names Professor Milena Žic Fuchs as the Chair of the Humanities Science Committee

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has named Professor Dr. Milena Žic Fuchs as the new Chair of the Standing Committee for the Humanities (HUM (formerly SCH)). The announcement came after the Governing Council of the ESF voiced its endorsement for Professor Žic Fuchs to replace Professor Gretty Mirdal for a... [more]

17. September 2008

Stakeholders and researchers gather to discuss the future of Humanities research in Europe

4th HERA Annual Conference - “European diversities – European identities” and the 1st European Conference for Collaborative Humanities Research (ECCHR)  [more]

13. August 2008

Prizes recognise young scholars in consciousness research

The brightest new research talent in the science of consciousness came together for the final of the European Science Foundation's (ESF) EUROCORES (European Collaborative Research) programme CNCC (Consciousness in a Natural and Cultural Context) essay prize, held in Edinburgh on 28th... [more]