
1. December 2011

The ESF Research Networking Programme Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences 2 (QMSS2) launches a call for participants to attend a Summer School in 2012.

It will provide opportunities for junior researchers to undertake high-level training in the latest developments in quantitative methods. It will also enable researchers to interact and share ideas and expertise based upon recent research. [more]

23. November 2011

ESF awards 13th European Latsis Prize to James Vaupel on pioneering demographic research

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has awarded this year’s European Latsis Prize to Professor James W. Vaupel, of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. The theme for this year’s prize was “Demography.” Professor Vaupel was awarded the prize for his contributions... [more]

25. November 2010

European Science Foundation cancels research funding calls

The European Science Foundation (ESF) will not launch three funding calls pending more progress towards its merger with the European Heads of Research Councils (EUROHORCs). At the ESF annual assembly last week ESF member organisations decided to put certain activities on hold during the current... [more]

15. April 2010

Europe, know thyself: social science solutions to the biggest problems

Roderick Floud, chair of the ESF social sciences standing committee, calls for tools meet the demands of the discipline's insights in Times Higher Education today [more]

12. January 2009

Defying the Integration Models – the Second Generation in Europe

The child of Turkish parents may feel an outsider in the Netherlands or Switzerland, yet still be completely at home in Amsterdam or Zurich. In France, the migrant’s child is more likely to go to university but is also more likely to drop out. The child of Turkish parents in Germany could be at an... [more]

23. December 2008

Muslims embrace performing arts to heal cultural rifts and reach out to their people

The Danish cartoon affair was an important milestone in Europe’s ongoing integration of its fast growing Muslim population. The fallout from this affair, along with other events such as the July 2005 bombings in London, has increased the urgency of achieving a long lasting accommodation between... [more]

19. December 2008

Going digital – new challenges for community radio

Community broadcasting, which is owned and managed by citizen groups and members of civil society, has gained foothold on local FM and AM radio across Europe since the 1980s. These media outlets have not only been serving as valuable tools for local empowerment and cultural diversity,... [more]

12. December 2008

How My Country Influences My Behaviour

HumVIB, the first EUROCORES programme in the social sciences, kicks off [more]

26. November 2008

Solar energy as a sustainable source of European economic growth

European researchers call for paradigm shift towards clean fuel technologies  [more]

26. November 2008

Using water to understand human society – from the industrial revolution to global trade

Water shapes societies, but it is a factor only just beginning to be appreciated by social scientists. The Norwegian professor, writer and film maker Terje Tvedt, of the Universities of Oslo and Bergen, argues that water has played a unique and fundamental role in shaping societies throughout... [more]