The oceans are our climate regulators, cover the sites of fundamental geodynamic, geochemical and biological processes and have high-resolution records of the Earth’s history in store for us. Scientific marine drilling and coring is crucial to cast light on both the deep and shallow (sub-)... [more]
The EUROCORES programme TOPO-EUROPE kicks off [more]
The Chief Executive of the ESF (ESF) Professor Marja Makarow speaks about the Millennium Technology Prize that was held in Helsinki, Finland on 11 June 2008. [more]
Europe’s position as a major player in genome research has been boosted by the European Science Foundation’s three-year EUROCORES programme EuroDYNA. As it draws to a close, EuroDYNA (Dynamic Nuclear Architecture and Chromatin Function) is leaving behind a healthy European ecosystem of interacting... [more]
The EUROCORES Programme EuroMinScI Inititiative holds its 2nd Conference [more]
Leading European scientists say that there is an “urgent need” for greater coordination and harmonisation between Europe’s biobanks – repositories of genetic and other information from large numbers of people that can be used to investigate complex diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. To enable... [more]
Innsbruck Physicists of the EUROCORES Programme EuroQUAM achieve breakthrough with fermionic quantum gasses [more]
Aim to produce new generation of astronomer that understands theory and observation [more]
1. What does winning the Descartes Prize mean to you and EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica)? Winning the Descartes Prize is a great recognition of the work of the EPICA team. It shows that the science that has come out of it is interesting and important for climate... [more]
Policy issues on migration in Europe could easily provoke heated debates and generate enormous interest. These issues have recently drawn a crowd of over 40 researchers and about 50 students, journalists, policymakers and others to Nice in December 2007 for an ESF conference on migration and... [more]