Polar Sciences


Advancement of the Bilateral partnership in scientific Research and innovation with the Russian Federation (BILAT-RUS-Advanced)

The BILAT-RUS-Advanced project focuses on enhancing the bilateral science-, technology and innovation (STI) partnership between the Russian Federation and the EU Member States/Associated Countries. In this framework it is launching the "EU-Russia Year of Science 2014".

The BILAT RUS Advanced Project has included as additional Working Package (WP6) the coordination of activities within in the 'EU-Russia Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2014'. Joint events will celebrate the vibrant science and research cooperation between the EU, its Member States and the Russian Federation

European competitiveness shall be supported through strategic partnerships with Russia on a bilateral level and on the basis of mutual interest and benefit.

Support to coordination of EU Member States’ and Associated Countries’ research policies and Programmes with regard to Russia will be provided. Synergies between EU policies and Programmes addressing Russia will be promoted. BILAT-RUS-Advanced will further promote the bilateral cooperation to the best scientists and organizations by increasing the awareness on FP7 cooperation opportunities and monitor the progress which has been achieved so far.

Brokerage and information events for researchers and innovation actors will be implemented in order to facilitate the preparation of collaborative research activities and the utilization of research results. Twinning activities between STI actors and institutions will be actively supported. At the same time, the project will support the implementation of a service approach for FP7 Contacts in Russia, with a special focus to the regional dimension. The participation of Russia in Community Programmes will be strengthened, most prominently in the FP7, and in the upcoming “Horizon 2020” framework respectively.

In this framework, ESF coordinates a team tasked to examine the operational feasibility and requirement of establishing a joint STI Liaison Office in Russia.

BILAT-RUS-Advanced will be founded on the basis of the accomplishments of the two predecessor projects BILAT-RUS and ACCESS RU and will go beyond, by focussing on further developing the opportunities for European researchers to participate in Russian research and innovation Programmes. BILAT-RUS-Advanced will thus contribute to the implementation of the Common Space on Research, Education and Culture between the EU and Russia.

For further information, please consult: http://www.bilat-rus.eu/



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Aiming at consolidating the construction  of  a  pan-European  distributed  research  fleet  infrastructure  with  common  strategic  vision  and coordinated  access  to  European  marine  research  vessels  and  equipment.

The EUROFLEETS2 is a Research Infrastructures project under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission.