Structural Medicine II: The Importance of Lipidomics for Health and Disease

Project Number SPB N° 31


Professor Gerrit van Meer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Professor Friedrich Spener, Graz University, Austria.


MED (formerly EMRC) has decided to analyse the role of lipidomics in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and develop recommendations for a European science policy with the aim to support research and development within the lipidomics domain.

Four major issues were identified as the major outcome of a strategic workshop organised on 12-13 December 2006 in Frankfurt:

• The general aspects of lipidomics & basic studies of lipids in living systems
• The development of innovative enabling technologies
• The clinical potential of lipidomics
• The major challenges for lipidomics R&D in Europe.

For each issue the present status, future trends and major challenges were analysed.


The Strategic Workshop took place in Frankfurt, Germany on 12-13 December 2006 and the Science Policy Briefing has been published in June 2008