Exploring the Deep Sub-Seafloor Biosphere

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The recent discovery of extensive microbial populations beneath the deep ocean floor has far reaching implications not just for our immediate understanding of the biosphere, but also for many other branches of science as well as industrial processes and biotechnology. It helps explain how fossil fuels were formed and how to exploit them as well as providing a new and highly diverse source of material for biotechnology. In addition, the discovery that bacteria can survive in far more extreme conditions than was previously thought possible is causing us to revise theories of how life began and also to reappraise the prospects of life on other planets. European scientists have been at the forefront of these advances, and this Network aims to build on this by stimulating the collaborative programmes and helping develop the facilities needed for more extensive deep sea biosphere research.

The discovery that bacteria are not only present at much greater depths (>750 metres) beneath the deep sea floor than was previously thought but actually thrive there in colossal numbers was made by the International Ocean Drilling Programme (ODP) during the early to mid 1990s. The ODP then in 1996 made the Deep Marine Biosphere a pilot initiative for its long range plan and the US has already responded with an investigation of the biosphere on mid-ocean ridges. However Europe is well placed to develop a powerful initiative of its own as European scientists were heavily involved in the original pioneering ODP research, and there is a well established body of research excellence in the relevant disciplines, including microbiology, geochemistry, and mineralogy.

The deep subsurface represents a unique habitat that couples biosphere/geosphere cycles. Conduits discharging near the seabed surface offer unique windows on the deep biosphere.

At present though, as is often the case in emerging fields of research that involve multiple disciplines, relevant scientists are mostly working largely in isolation without much communication or cross-fertilisation of ideas. This Network aims to put that right by creating a coherent ongoing research framework as well as establishing links with US and Japanese research groups and helping to develop the necessary technology such as microbiological facilities on board the ODP ship and techniques for in situ experimentation.

Bacteria isolated from hydrothermal environments had already made a big impact on biotechnology before the discovery of the deep sea biosphere, for example in providing enzymes for the polymerase chain reaction which has galvanised molecular genetics. Some hydrothermal bacteria can not only just survive but also are biochemically active at temperatures up to at least 120 Celsius and there may be bacteria able to be active at even higher temperatures. This is significant as bacteria are likely to be present several kilometres beneath the surface despite temperatures increasing around 30 Celsius/km. In addition, bacteria may be involved in the formation of fossil fuels at depth as the "oil window" occurs between 100 to 150 Celsius and large bacterial populations emerge with production fluids from some oil reservoirs.

It also looks likely that the deep sea biosphere will provide an even more diverse source of bacteria than the hydrothermal environments and as a result have a much greater impact on biotechnology. Examples of possible applications include water treatment, microbially enhanced oil recovery, production of gas hydrates, subsurface disposal of nuclear waste, and discovery of new biomolecules.

The implications for pure science are equally exciting as the commercial possibilities, since these deep sea populations contain new types of bacteria that may provide important clues to the origins of life here on earth. They may also provide clues to the likelihood of life evolving on other planets where there are environments similar to that beneath the deep sea floor but where the surface conditions are too extreme for life.

There is also considerable overlap between the pure science and the potential applications in biotechnology. For example it seems that some bacterial populations have survived on buried organic material for millions of years and so must have evolved some metabolic processes and enzymes that are unknown in the surface biosphere. Unravelling these will be of interest for pure science while also perhaps yielding new materials and ideas for biotechnological applications.

The Network has three primary research objectives:

  • To determine the extent, distribution and diversity of the deep biosphere in marine sediments and rocks.
  • To explore the potential energy sources for the deep biosphere and their impact on geochemistry, mineralogy (including palaeomagnetism) and ultimately oil and gas generation (including gas hydrate deposits).
  • To evaluate the biotechnological potential of the deep sub surface biosphere.

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A symposium on "The Deep Sub-Seafloor Biosphere: current status and future directions" was held in Bremen, Germany, on 1-3 October 2001.

A workshop on "How Do We Study the Deep Biosphere in Europe?" was held in Aber Wrac’h (Brest), France, on 2-3 October 2000.

A workshop on "Where Do We Study the Deep Biosphere in Europe and Why?" was held in Leeds, United Kingdom on 10-12 September 1999.

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