Within the broad field of science covered by Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences, LEE (formerly LESC) organises Research Networking Programmes.
LEE (formerly LESC) aims at facilitating new activities in interdisciplinary areas by initiating and funding European networks and projects. A highlight in terms of ESF-COST interaction and interdisciplinary is the recently launched Forward Look on "European Food Systems in a Changing World".
LEE (formerly LESC) is also involved in many other activities in ESF such as EUROCORES
The menu to the left of the page gives information on each instrument within LEE (formerly LESC)
The Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences Unit is also a partner in EU initiatives:
- BiodivERsA is an ERA Net (European Research Area Networks) in Europe with research funding in the field of terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity. The aim of BiodivERsA is to contribute to setting up a formal mechanism which ensures connection with the strategies, priorities and budgets of national research funding agencies. The objective for the period 2004-2008 is to achieve an efficient trans-national research co-operation in the field of biodiversity research funding.
ESF is also partner in the Co-ordination Action for innovation in Life-Cycle Analysis for Sustainability (CALCAS – 037075) involving 12 organisations.
(link coming soon)
Towards a European Strategy for Synthetic Biology (TESSY) is a Specific Support Action (SSA) supported by the EC (contract number: 043449). Synthetic biology is an emerging field that aims to (re)design and manufacture biologically based devices and systems employing engineering principles. Synthetic Biology has a high potential for research and development, and future applications beneficial for economy and society. TESSY aims at setting up an expert based, investigative and participative process for the further development of Synthetic Biology in Europe.
- SysBioMed
Systems Biology for Medical Applications (SysBioMed) is a Specific Support Action (SSA) supported by the EC (contract number: 037673). The core objective of SysBioMed is to explore the potential of systems biology for medical research, therapy and drug development through a series of workshops. The project serves as a platform for young academics to interact with high level experts from the corresponding medical fields and industry in order to elaborate recommendations and develop future perspectives on mid-term and long-term system biology applications for medicine.
(link coming soon)
Many current and future LEE (formerly LESC) actions will interface with other stakeholders such as policy makers and industry (EuroBioFund).