MERIL's Stakeholders

MERIL regroups the efforts of more than 1500 people.

Management Committee: The project is coordinated by the ESF and involves the Greek National Documentation Centre (EKT) and the Italian Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) as consortium partners.

MERIL Advisory Committee (MAC):
MERIL is governed by a high-level committee comprising research infrastructure experts with highly specialised scientific, cross domain and sectoral/policy knowledge. Current MAC

National Data Intermediaries:
The Standing Group of MERIL NDIs is comprised of personnel from ministries, research agencies and other public bodies who have good knowledge of the RI landscape across scientific domains and in particular within their respective countries. NDIs are appointed by the appropriate ministry or national research funding organisation of each participating country. Current NDIs

Research Infrastructure (RI) Coordinators: RI Coordinators are the main point of entry for the MERIL office for all communication with RIs, including requests to provide data. RI Coordinators have access to the MERIL portal back-office and are responsible for completing and updating data about their RI in the MERIL database.

RI Stakeholders and End Users: The stakeholders at the origin of the MERIL project are the scientific community, EUROHORCs, ESF, ESF Member Organisations, European Commission, ESFRI, European Association of National Research Facilities (ERF), EIROforum, and Ministries. Most of these are represented in MERIL’s governance through its Advisory Committee.


Go to the MERIL portal

The MERIL project is supported by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 from March 2016 to February 2020. From January 2013 to February 2016 it was supported by the ESF member organisations. From October 2010 and December 2012 it was supported by the European Commission under Framework Programme 7.