How the EUROCORES Scheme works


The scheme provided a flexible framework which allowed national basic research funding organisations to support top class European research in and across all scientific areas. The scheme stimulated research which was
• of the highest quality
• innovative
• investigator-driven
• collaborative
• and multidisciplinary.

The European Science Foundation (ESF) provided programme coordination and support for the networking of funded scientists.

Research funding remained with participating national organisations.

Note: The ECRP scheme in the social sciences operated differently to typical EUROCORES programmes. Please visit the ECRP pages for more information.

EUROCORES Networking

Networking and dissemination activities were the key characteristics and the main objectives of the EUROCORES Programme. They were meant to encourage and facilitate scientific collaboration and diffusion accross the Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs) within a given domain or if appropriate across different domains and programmes.

From 2009, EUROCORES scientific coordination and networking were supported by the participating funding organisations.