The evaluation of the following EUROCORES programmes has been completed. Their final reports can be found here.
Title | Duration* | Affiliation |
The Origin of Man, Language and Languages (OMLL) | 2003-2007 | HUM (formerly SCH) |
Imaging, monitoring and modelling the physical, chemical and biological processes in the European passive continental margins (EUROMARGINS) | 2003-2007 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Self-Organised Nanostructures (SONS 1) | 2004-2007 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Climate Variability and (past, present and future) Carbon Cycle (EuroCLIMATE) | 2005-2008 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Dynamic Nuclear Architecture and Chromatin Function (EuroDYNA) | 2005-2008 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Programme on a Development of a Stem Cell Tool Box (EuroSTELLS) | 2005-2008 | MED (formerly EMRC) |
Challenges of Biodiversity Science (EuroDIVERSITY) | 2006-2009 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Consciouness in a Natural and Cultural Context (CNCC) | 2006-2009 | HUM (formerly SCH) |
European Mineral Sciences Initiative (EuroMinScI) | 2006-2009 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Histories from the North - environments, movements, narratives (BOREAS) | 2006-2009 | HUM (formerly SCH) |
Science of Protein Production for Functional and Structural Analysis (EuroSCOPE) | 2006-2009 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Fundamentals of Nano-Electronics (FoNE) | 2006-2010 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Self-Organised Nanostructures (SONS 2) | 2006-2010 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Cold Quantum Matter (EuroQUAM) | 2007-2010 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Ecosystem Functionning and Biodiversity in the Deep Sea (EuroDEEP) | 2007-2010 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Quality Control of Gene Expression-RNA Surveillance (RNAQuality) | 2007-2010 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Smart Structural Systems Technologies (S3T) | 2007-2010 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Technology and the Making of Europe, 1850 to the Present (Inventing Europe) | 2007-2010 | HUM (formerly SCH) |
The Evolution of Cooperation and Trading (TECT) | 2007-2010 | HUM (formerly SCH) |
Challenges of Marine Coring Research (EuroMARC) | 2007-2011 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Pan-European Clinical Trials (ECT) | 2007-2012 | MED (formerly EMRC) |
Cross-national and Multi-level Analysis of Human Values, Institutions and Behaviour (HumVIB) | 2008-2011 | SOC (formerly SCSS) |
European Quantum Standards and Metrology (EuroQUASAR) | 2008-2011 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Friction and Adhesion in Nanomechanical Systems (FANAS) | 2008-2011 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Modelling Intelligent Interaction - Logic in the Humanities, Social and Computational Sciences (LogICCC) | 2008-2011 | HUM (formerly SCH) SOC (formerly SCSS) |
Stress and Mental Health (EuroSTRESS) | 2008-2011 | MED (formerly EMRC) |
4-D Topography Evolution in Europe: Uplift, Subsidence and Sea Level Change (TOPO-EUROPE) | 2008-2012 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Better Analyses Based on Endangered Languages (EuroBABEL) | 2009-2012 | HUM (formerly SCH) |
Higher Education and Social Change (EuroHESC) | 2009-2012 | SOC (formerly SCSS) |
Membrane Architecture and Dynamics (EuroMEMBRANE) | 2009-2012 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
European Comparisons in Regional Cohesion, Dynamics and Expressions (EuroCORECODE) | 2010-2013 | HUM (formerly SCH) |
Ecological and Evolutionary Functional Genomics (EuroEEFG) | 2010-2013 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
Origin of the Elements and Nuclear History of the Universe (EuroGENESIS) | 2010-2013 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Maximizing the Impact of Graphene Research in Science and Innovation (EuroGRAPHENE) | 2010-2013 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Synthetic Biology: Engineering Complex Biological Systems (EuroSYNBIO) | 2010-2013 | LEE (formerly LESC) PEN (formerly PESC) |
Bio-inspired Engineering of Sensors, Actuators & Systems (EuroBioSAS) | 2011-2014 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Functional Genomic Variation in the Epilepsies (EuroEPINOMICS) | 2011-2014 | MED (formerly EMRC) |
Graphs in Geometry and Algorithms (EuroGIGA) | 2011-2014 | PEN (formerly PESC) |
Molecular Science for a Conceptual Transition from Fossil to Solar Fuels (EuroSolarFuels) | 2011-2014 | LEE (formerly LESC) PEN (formerly PESC) |
Understanding and Misunderstanding: Cognition, Communication and Culture (EuroUnderstanding) | 2011-2014 | HUM (formerly SCH) |
Ecology of Plant Volatiles, from Molecules to the Globe (EuroVOL) | 2011-2014 | LEE (formerly LESC) |
*Duration of the research, networking and dissemination activities of the programme