
2. July 2015

Three books from The Academic Profession in Europe: Responses to Societal Challenges (EUROAC) project

The Academic Profession in Europe: Responses to Societal Challenges (EUROAC) was a Collaborative Research Project, coordinated by Ulrich Teichler and Barbara M. Kehm (University of Kassel, Germany) under the umbrella of the EUROCORES programme Higher Education and Social Change. Three books in... [more]

5. May 2014

The EUROCORES programme EuroSYNBIO releases new video.

A video showing current developments in the field of synthetic biology has just been released by researchers from the ESF EUROCORES Programme EuroSYNBIO. The film is available at the EuroSYNBIO website. In this programme, and more specifically in the Collaborative Research Project SYNMOD, the... [more]

29. August 2013

About the Hearth

Perspectives on the Home, Hearth and Household in the Circumpolar North  [more]

18. April 2013

Update on Spanish funding issue

ESF is currently in constructive discussions with Spanish Member Organisations which had not yet completely fulfilled their financial commitments. In the expectation that the issue will soon be resolved, ESF is now allowing activities to take place until the end of August that are organised by, or... [more]

19. November 2012

"Inventing Europe" Virtual Exhibit

Drawing on the work of the former ESF EUROCORES programme “Inventing Europe” and the collections of five science and technology museums the prototype virtual exhibition 'Europe, Interrupted' was made public in September 2009. Since then the final version of the exhibition entitled "Inventing... [more]

2. December 2011

Topical issue on cold quantum matter

Following the final EuroQUAM conference held last year, a topical issue was published gathering the main results of the programme and additional contributions from the broader scientific community.

3. November 2011

Nature article by members of the ESF EuroGENESIS Eurocores Program (UPC-Barcelona), University of Pisa & Stony Brook University show that Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities are the likely source of inhomogeneous mixing in nova explosions.

The steady vision of a starry night is challenged by the unexpected appearance of cosmic beacons, stellar explosions that shed light and matter to space. Among the rich zoo of stellar explosions, classical novae have captivated the interest of astronomers for decades.  [more]

21. September 2011

EuroCORECODE announces the launch of its Master’s Degree Thesis Award

The EUROCORES programme on European Comparisons in Regional Cohesion, Dynamics and Expressions - EuroCORECODE, is pleased to announce the launch of its Master’s Degree Thesis Award. [more]

1. February 2011

ESF at AAAS 2011

At the AAAS annual meeting 2011 in Washington DC, ESF is organising two sessions: Thinking About Thinking: How Do We Know What We Know? Sunday 20 February, 3.00pm – 4.30pmReaching a Global Standard in Research Integrity Monday 21 February, 9.45am – 12.45pm See to... [more]

17. December 2010

Fire and ice: unexpected trends in burning biomass revealed by ice cores

Strasbourg, 17 December 2010 - An investigation of Antarctic ice cores has uncovered evidence that challenges the common misconception that levels of biomass burning - the consumption of wood, peat and other materials in wildfires, cooking fires and communal fires - are higher today than in the... [more]

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