Evaluation of EUROCORES programmes

EUROCORES programmes are evaluated at the mid and final term, on the basis of written reports provided by the Project Leaders, which are assessed by the review panels of the programmes. The reports and the evaluation reports are sent to the funding organisations contributing to the programme.

Purpose of the mid-term reporting

The purpose of the mid-term reporting is to assess the scientific cooperation and interactions among the investigators, and identify the achievements of the EUROCORES programme and its potential.

The merits of the EUROCORES programme will be assessed on the basis of the scientific achievements highlighted by the Project Leaders as well as the usefulness and impact of the networking, training and dissemination activities undertaken during this period.

The potential of the programme will be estimated on the basis of the expected contributions of each CRP as well as the benefits/advantages drawn from participation in the programme.  The balance between input and output will indicate whether the CRPs are making good, optimal or insufficient use of the programme.

Purpose of the final reporting

The purpose of the final reporting is to assess the level of scientific cooperation and interaction among the researchers, the achievements of the EUROCORES programme and the lessons to be learned for follow-up initiatives.

The Collaborative Research Projects and the programme will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Scientific achievements and level of collaborative research
  • Programme integration
  • Networking, training and dissemination activities

Useful documents

Mid-term report submission

Mid-term reports must be submitted online by the Project leaders through a link provided by the ESF office.

Final report submission

Final reports must be submitted online by the Project leaders through a link provided by the ESF office.