Conference programme and presentations

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Introduction to ESF Standing Committee for the Humanities & this project:
Naomi Segal and Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman

Keynote 1    History: Claudia Ulbrich
Self- Narratives: Transcultural and transdisciplinary perspectives

Plenary Panel 1    Modes of 1st-person writing 
Ralph Houlbrooke: English autobiography c. 1500 – c. 1640
Baiba Bela-Krūmiṇa:
Ethnography of a textual representation: suspicious 1st-person writing
Michael Sheringham: The Stuff of lives: autobiography and the archive
Jens Lohfert Jørgensen: Autobiographic Fullness

Keynote 2    Literature: Marie Darrieussecq
Reading and misunderstandings: the fiction monologue

Plenary Panel 2    Theories of 1st-person writing
Tuulikki Kurki: Who is the narrating ‘I’ in ethnography?
Brian Hurwitz: Composing the case: eyes of the naturalist, novelist and memoirist
Max Saunders: Varieties of the autobiographical

Plenary Panel 3    The lives of others
Alexander Kiossev: The mystic double of the Communist poet
Ene Kõresaar: The symbolic universe of WWII: Estonian veterans‘ life-stories
Philip Rieder: Self and medical practice in the 18c: Louis Odier (1748-1817)
Arianne Baggerman: Practices of autobiographical writing in the long 19c

Break-out 1         
Breast cancer narratives: Maria Vaccarella    
Hospital stories: Angela Woods, Ilaria Cover, Franziska Gygax           
Psychoanalysis: Susie Christensen, Ana Tomljenovic, Anne-Marie Picard       
Workshop on 1st-person history texts led by François-Joseph Ruggiu

Break-out 2    
Diaries: Heidi MacDonald, Maria Ng, Izabella Badiu, Biljana Oklopcic       
The holocaust: Anne Freadman, Rubén Peinado Abarrio, Anna Maria Lorusso, Julia Vassilieva    
The pain of others: Katie Jones, Katrien Horemans, Harriet Hulme, Emma Sweeney       
Workshop on 1st-person literary texts led by Naomi Segal

Keynote 3    Medical humanities: Rita Charon
Self-Telling Writing in Clinical Settings, or the Body Never Lies

Plenary Panel 4      Bodies and souls
Yuri Zaretsky: Pain and healing in first-person narrative historically speaking
Amy Shuman: Available narratives, dominant narratives and personal narratives
Emma Bond: Narrating multiple selves: the "double" first person in the work of Giorgio Pressburger
Cheryl Moskowitz: An ‘I’ for an ‘I’

Keynote 4    Ethnography: Nigel Rapport
Between individual human being and humankind: the problem of generalization in science and in society

Break-out 3  
Disguises: Anda Bukvic, Kirsti Salmi-Niklander, Lada Čale Feldman, Simão Valente
Men’s lives: Timothy Ashplant, Anne Heimo, Aslihan Aksoy Sheridan, Anastasiya Ilchanka   
Women’s bodies: Nausica Zaballos, Sarah Berry, Andrea Milanko, Laura Kounine   
Workshop on 1st-person medical humanities texts led by Petter Aaslestad

Break-out 4   
Fathers & children: Louise Hardwick, Jean Owen, Octavian Saiu, Jelena Sesnic
Alternatives: Maciej Maryl, Marina Grishakova, Nathalie Wourm, Rosamund Davies   
Writing the self: Sam Ferguson, Maja Zorica, Erika Fűlőp, Kjersti Bale   
Workshop on 1st-person ethnography texts led by Kristin Kuutma    

Closing plenary    Future plans