What is the European Union doing in international institutions? Throughout the project’s different phases, this question has served as the backbone of our scientific inquiry and explains our focus on the European Union’s performance in international institutions (both international organizations and regimes). The project has produced intriguing answers to the guiding question. This result has been achieved through a range of case studies on the major international organizations (UN, NATO, WTO etc.) as well as studies of the EU’s performance in international regimes. The case studies have been informed by a common analytical framework, thus enabling comparison of institutional settings and different policy areas. The project has been designed to cover EU relations with all major international institutions and members of the project have presented their findings in a number of publications (both articles and books), contributing in a decisive fashion to the state-of-the-art of the field of study.

Most importantly, the project has provided a much more nuanced assessment of the EU’s performance in both international organizations and regimes. It has developed a novel analytical perspective on the ways in which the EU performs in international regimes (including the governance of the internet, the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction regimes, the governance of the private military industry, and the regimes on climate change). By means of focused and structured analysis, the project has both analytically and theoretically contributed to the study of European foreign policy.