Throughout its running time (2006-2009) the CNCC programme encouraged its researchers to engage in cross-project activities: activities that enhance the cooperation between the various CNCC Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs) and sustain the coherence of the programme. The programme also offered opportunities for disseminating the outcome of the programme to a wider scientific audience – or even beyond.
CNCC Networking Activities
Project Leaders, Principal Investigators and Associated Partners were offered support for Networking Activities. These activities, involving at least two CRPs, typically include workshops, symposia, expert meetings, special CNCC sessions at larger conferences or at summer schools, etc.
CNCC Dissemination Activities
CNCC Project Leaders and Principal Investigators were offered support for Dissemination Activities i.e. activities aiming at raising awareness - and diffusing results - of the CNCC Programme.
Typical examples include: ·
Leaflets; Posters; Publications (including costs for a preparatory meeting);
Organising a CNCC session at a larger conference; CNCC Corner in a poster session; Exhibition booth or stand at a conference;
Dissemination Travel Grants, to support an active participation at conferences while promoting the EUROCORES Scheme in general and disseminating the achievements of the CNCC Programme in particular.
In addition, the CNCC programme welcomed ideas for other types of Dissemination Activities, including web-based or multi-media events.
CNCC Short-Term Visits
The CNCC Short-Term Visits offered CNCC projects the opportunity to collaborate. Visits to laboratories of other CRPs to embark on a project that added value to the CNCC programme were for a maximum period of 6 weeks . Preference was given to junior project members. Visits from CNCC members to projects within other EUROCORES Programmes were also possible.