EuroCORECODE Final Conference: 'Changing Borders, Regions and Identities', Arnhem, the Netherlands, 29 -31 August 2013

The EUROCORES programme 'European Comparisons in Regional Cohesion, Dynamics and Expressions' (EuroCORECODE) is pleased to announce its Final Conference entitled 'Changing Borders, Regions and Identities',  29 -31 August 2013, Arnhem, the Netherlands.

Background and Objectives

The main purpose of the EuroCORECODE programme is to create a better understanding of the ways in which regional cohesion developed in the longue durĂ©e in a changing European context, through a programme of internationally comparative projects. 

When comparing the historical developments of regions all over Europe, and the contributions to these developments made by different fields of human activity, it is striking how many unexpected similarities and differences can be found in the complex ways in which societies in the past were created and behaved.  In recent decades, monodisciplinary research in this field has grown enormously in depth and quality. The EuroCORECODE programme took a new approach, aiming at a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of historical developments and of the constituent elements of regional cohesion, such as dialect and language, religion, historical geography, ethnogenesis, invented tradition and material culture.

The EuroCORECODE Final Conference brings  the interdisciplinary, international projects together for the final time, to present and discuss the outcomes of the programme with the EuroCORECODE programme members and invited experts.

Structure of the Conference programme

To present the added value of this international EUROCORES programme, the EuroCORECODE Final Conference is structured around four cross-cutting themes that have emerged as particularly promising avenues of research. 

In each theme speakers from the various CRPs will present their results and conclusions and suggest new directions for research. 

The Master Thesis award for the EuroCORECODE programme  will also take place during this conference. The goal of this award is to recognise and award distinguished scholarship and research at Master's Degree level.

The conference will end with a  Panel discussion focussing on the future.


For further information about the conference, please contact the ESF office at eurocorecode[at]